@punksterdaddy @Midnightshade29 @Meta-Gnostic By the scores that they give, they are saying that this game is better than "The last of us" lol I wonder! :)
@cooolio @-JMD- @fatherofsword Thay also gave Dragon age 2 a 8... And that game was a rushed and unfinished game, always using the same scenarios and mirroring maps... Some times it feels like they give scores randomly! I played both of them, and i feel that the last of us is way better then Dragon Age 2!
As you can see... I really hate Dragon Age 2, i think that everyone that played Dragon Age Origins hate the second one.
@jawslover Dude, you should also get a life for saying that metalblinga should get a life. Let him say what is in his heart. Oh god.. Just realized that i should also get a life because i am telling you to get a life because you said that he should get a life... Oh well.
-JMD-'s comments