@abHS4L88 You dont get it dude. You have the same 'opinion'? Is zelda the best in this year? This was a year of good games, does this deserve it? If you think so, good for you dude. Play zelda in your 3ds, be happy, and let us disagree with the guy that said that Zelda is the GOTY of 2013. :)
@abHS4L88 Dude you say that Zelda its not a kid game.... Dude i was a kid when i first played zelda! Zelda brings nostalgia to grown ups why? Because we played the game when we were kids! As you can see i dont have the same opinion as you.
@abHS4L88 Of course i will get her games for 8-9 years old. She has only 8. Its a great console for kids. What part did you not get? As for me? O play big boys consoles. PS4 and such. You may have one when you work.
You have misread what i said, since i misspelled. Sorry for that. I got it for my niece dude.
@delta5931 Yes, its not the greatest reviewers over there.... But hey its not easy being a reviewer. I make video reviews also, and god. I suck at it! :D lol But i keep my day job.
-JMD-'s comments