which makes halo better? you got to be kidding me.
ok, lets get more detailed......
For one, the Halo 3 multiplayer is so polished and veried to a point where its still the most played game on LIVE. Its still just as addicting and competitive as it ever was. For another that gives Halo REPLAYABILITY. Beat Metroid a few times and your practically done.
Stroy wise, Metroids isnt too fleashed out. Sure theres some elements but nothing is really too fleshed out. How about some details on the Galactic Federation, explain why the Chozo arent around anymore, how about a detailed backstory of Samus. You could say Nintendo wants the story to be mysterious but thats BS. Truth be told Nintendo has never realy cared about story lines and intentionally wanted the story to be rather basic. Halo on the other hand is a rich universe (especially if you read the novels). If you disagree, well then you dont know jack.
Gameplay wise, id say its about dead even, both games do what they do good. This is assuming your comparing Metroid Prime 1 with Halo. As I feel part 2 and part 3 didnt do the series justice and part 3 was pathetically easy in an attempt to appeal to casuals.
Throw in that Halo has online coop, more memorable characters, theatre mode and Forge, there should be no contest. Its obvious old school Metroid fans are here not willing to accept that a Xbox game (GASP) is a better franchise then their beloved Metroid.
By the way, I played every Metroid, Prime 1 being my all time favourite.
Have you read the manga story about Samus and how she grew up?no but wasnt it something like she was part of a colony, space pirates killed everybody except her, and the chozo took her in and raised her as their own?
Either way, the universe just isnt nearly as fleshed out as the Halo universe is, period.
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