LOL just because you are so fanatical with sales doesnt mean I am. Its just the smart thing to do. PS3 has so many exclusives out and free PSN witha new update that will surpass xboxlive.
I know thats what your so fanatical about. JUST FACE IT
If microsoft makes money it doesnt mean you do. Unless ofcourse your whole purpose is to advertise for them because you probably work for them.
actually I have MS stock..but thats not the point :P
And ya, u all may hide it, but sales is in your blood. It courses through your veins because you have inherited it from your ancestors. PS1 and PS2 was all about the sales praising.
You all put up a front, but deep down you cant wait for that PS3 price drop so it can outsell 360.
admit it, "the sales" courses through your DNA.
Sorry not through mine. I could careless.
So MS STOCKS of yours is what makes you advertise so much huh? PS3 has better games and its a fact.
hows it a fact? metacritic and gamespot have more 360 A, AA, and AAA then PS3.
so ya, u lose
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