What are these arbitrary rules that you speak of?
So you're saying XBLA > PSN if a good portion of what PSN offers is not considered in comparison? It doesn't really make any sense to me.
When people do XBLA and PSN comparisons, its assumed it is a level playing field. AKA we only compare the smaller downloadable titles, nothing more.
You're comparing the content of 2 different online services for their each respective consoles. If you're going tospecify criteria so that is makes XBLA look better then why even bother with it in the first place?
Change the topic to "XBLA > PSN if you take out half of PSN's offerings" then. I think that's a more accurate description of what you're going for here.
1. Click on the PS3 homepage
2. CLick on the PSN sub heading
3. Scroll down and click on "Browse all games"
WHERE DOES THE LIST SHOW PS1 GAMES?????????Cause thats where I got these numbers from.
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