What rules? So size is a factor? Your bending the rules. Last time i cheked the PS3 and PS1 games can both be played on PS3[QUOTE="Coolio10"]
Again, your bending the rules.
Yes they are part of PSN but you knew what i meant. PSN games as in smaller downloadables like what XBLA offers.
all games downloadable on psn are psn games
but that would make it unfar as XBLA doesnt cover xbox origionals or Xbox community games.I didnt say LIVE vs PSN, I said XBLA vs PSN.
Basically if im only comparing 360s downloadable small games, then we onyl do PSNs small games.
Again, this isnt a LIVE vs PSN comparison, its a XBLA vs PSN "Arcade" comparison (damn sony for not distinguishing this)
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