I already did. I can look at it all day long but that won't change anything. Save yourself the trouble and just admit right now that you were wrong. When it comes down to it, graphically, Killzone 2 steps on Halo 3. To say no would be like saying that Halo 3 looks better than GeoW and saying that IGNs, 1UP's and Gamespot's praise of the game and giving it such comments as "..The visuals are extremely impressive and rank among the best we've seen on the hardware to date" hint hint. We don't see Halo 3 receiving such praise for it's graphics. You know why? Because it doesn't deserve it, and the only people who think otherwise are blind fanboys. At the end of the day, Killzone 2 is gorgeous, came very close to the CGI trailer and is still in Alpha stage which means it still has plenty of time for improvement, just like Halo 3 improved from looking downright disgusting to decent and bearable from the screenshots we see of it today.
Look again:
Like, no.
But whetever have fun with Flatzone 2
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