Killzone looked amazing, and far exceeded even the most hopeful of people. Just realize it. Yes, Halo looked decent, and Call of Duty 4 looked better than both in my opinion, but Killzone 2 proved that Guerilla is owning up to their past mistakes, and bringing out a kick-*** game. You seriously cannot look at the trailer and notsee a beautiful game there, unless you have some extreme fanboy glasses on. Trigger_Hppy
Playing Gears on my 46in HDTV and it smokes KZ.
Now of course if KZ didn't have such crappy textures and textures like Gears than it would look like an Xbox game.
But they still have a lot of time to fix all the V-sync problems. I doubt they can fix the textures. But if the fix the Vsynce issues they may have an unacceptable frame rate.
I don't know about nothing new. inFamous and Killzone 2 almost living up to the trailer are pretty good points. And then grabbing not Haze but UT3 as a timed exclusive is pretty darn good. Was this a good E3 when it came to press conferences? Not really but I did like Sony's.Ibacai
Living up to the trailer ?
Not even close. Go look at the trailer. Its smokes what was shown, absolutly smokes it....what are you smoking ?
Not even close ?
So you get some timed exclusive, I say good , because 360 fans already have waaayyy too much stuff to play...thats probably why they are exclusive.
Well first off the are hurting bad for some good news. And they are just blowing everything out of proportion.
Killzone doesn't look that good, its looks linear and closed in, the death animations are nothing new, go look at Perfect Dark for the N64 you see that stuff back then.
And what games do they get this year ?
360 has a ton of games this year. And do cows think there wont be games to compete in 08 or 09?
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