[QUOTE="-Ninja_Dog-"][QUOTE="LiquidMetal14"][Again, to each his own. PDZ looks cartoon like compared to KZ2. TO make that statement stripped you of any bias-free credibility. I'm sorry but IF I made a statement saying KZ2 is never going to be surpassed visually, that would be equally ignorant as your post. Don't take offense to that, I'm merely making the analogy. Have you read how 1 SPU is faster than certain processors? Or how the post processing in KZ2 has never been done to that level, outside of COD4, which does use post processing. Again, I will not debate the un-debatable. KZ2 looks striking, even in its pre-pre-alpha stage. This forum here is the wrong board to be having this discussion as it is riddled with Xbox fans. Did you see the poll stating your opinion on who won E3, guess who is winning, MSFT. Tell me, do you think they had a better show than SNE? I'm deviating but my point is how this particular board will not yield the most logical posts.jujutheking
PDZ character were ugly as can be. The art style for them was gross. The eviroments on the hand were very detailed, with mapping everywhere.
The art style of KZ2 is better. But if you never played Gears and you try to compare it to KZ2 than you just have no idea.
KZ2 in its current state is far from amazing , incredible, striking or any other adjective you want to use to describe it.
And it agin if it was striking, i.e Crysis. I would say so.
LOL u should of been here when it just came.Lemmings were saying it was great.Go to the begining of this thread.Anyways i have GOEw and what u say is BS.
Its not BS. Again what the hell do I have to gain by saying it looks like crude. Nothing !
I speak the truth and everyone is apparently living in a dreamland.
Especially you.
Have you seen the IGN trailer, I suggest you go look at.
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