[QUOTE="-Ninja_Dog-"][QUOTE="jujutheking"][QUOTE="-Ninja_Dog-"]It looks awful.
Why the hell are you aparently blind people throwing arounf worlds like amazing , awesome. incredible. about he muddy, low res crap that is KZ2.
I have no idea is wrong with you people.
I feel like I'm in the twilight zone, where stuff that is ugly is liked and stuff that is pretty is hated.
Open your damn eyes people. So they have some animation borrowed from N64 Perfect Dark.
Go watch the gameplay video at IGN. Please stop embarrassing yourselves.
KZ2 look like garbage.
If it looked awsome I would say so.
Crysis is insane looking and I envy the High end PC gamers.
KZ2 does not stir the same feelings at all.
Jeez, just open your eyes. Please
My eyes are open actually and KZ2 greatness is blinded it.LOL chill u sound way too serious.
Yeah I know. But I just don't see it and I think I'm freaking out....not really.
Please go watch the actual gameplay trailer at IGN. The one with the bugs and V-sync problems.
My nephew actually laughed when he saw it and said it didn't look very good. And he is 9 yr old. Kids never lie !
Upi're lucky you made that 9 year old brother remark, otherwise I might take more offense. That being said, I won't get into it too much here since GS is fanboy riddled. I will just say that the tech driving KZ2 is far more advanced than anything out on the market. If you don't believe me then you better do some research to back up your convictions. To each his own though.Im sorry it doesn't look that great.
PDZ has wwwwaaayyyy better textures than KZ2, but I guess if you have low res textures , a black sky with no detail, some smoke effects and some poor lightning effect , thats supposed to be awesome :lol:
KZ2is a joke.
I wish it wasn't, but it is.
I want you to believe me , when I say if it looked good I would say so. Really.
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