-Ninja_Dog-'s forum posts
uhmm help me out lemmings!
Project Gotham Racing
Forza Motorsport
PS: I'm not a lemming. Just a passer-by.
Dead rising
Viva Piñata
*Pass the torch.
Ace Combat 6 :D
uhmm help me out lemmings!
Technically Banjo isn't an exclusive FRANCHISE to the 360 considering there were others on the 64.
Shush, dont ruin my glory :D
:| WOW...lemmings don't seem to have the logic to comprehend the meaning of the pharse"exclusive franchise".
Just because you get one game or one game from a serise dosen't mean you an exclusive franchise. It bites but this thread shows how weak your presious xbox360 exclusive franchises really are lemmings. And I mean some of the franchises you have listed there are exclusive but the TC specifically asked for "GOOD" ones...and you listed Fable.
Ninja Gaiden...Could have sworn Team Ninja recntlyfinished a game called Ninja Gaiden Sigma, and it's only for PS3
Dead Rising...heard pt 2 well be multiplatform PS3/xbox360
Ace combat...:| one game...the first 5 were on PS2.
Lost Planet...is this even a franchise?
Lemmings...one game dosen't make a franchise and if a sequal isn't announced and only for your system then IT'S NOT EXCLUSIVE. After we get that out of the way, then we can access whether the game is actually even good or not.
What exclusive serious does the PS have that doesn't have the Final and Fantasy ? Never mind you can't claim this one either.
Metal Gear Solid ? Nope
Devil May ? Nope
So that leaves with what GT , and that plays second fiddle to Forza.
So help me out here.
Add Ninja Gaiden Sigma to the list and Ninja gaiden 2 as well.
Some of the bestaction games now and in the future too.
[QUOTE="ParadiddleFill"]because i would think if NGS was a whole other game then the Devs would release it on the 360 as well seeing as its a whole other game.IbukiNinja
lol they didn't release to the Xbox360. That why it's alled an exclusive.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma Hands-On Update
We check in on Tecmo's PlayStation 3 exclusive iteration of its acclaimed ninja action game.
Which is just get you cows acting like you are acting.
Than Xbox had Ninja Gaiden as a AAA game and then the exclusive iteration of NGB as a AAA game too.
[QUOTE="spinecaton"][QUOTE="IbukiNinja"][QUOTE="ParadiddleFill"]so then Guitar Hero 2 for the 360 is a remake because it features more songs, a new guitar, online support. And also RE4 on the ps2 was an exclusive because it featured more levels, weapons, and features
This has become a silly argument. I''m not here to discuss Guitar Hero 2. This thread was about Ninja Gaiden Sigma. I gave "proof" that the game is exclusive to the PS3. If you want to talk about Guitar Hero 2 make another thread.
Look alright, Ninja Gaiden Sigma is exclusive, but only because it is a different version of Ninja Gaiden on the xbox. The main game isn't exclusive but the new expansion content within NGS is exclusive. You are just getting expansion content and updated graphics, the story is the same!
lol, you trying to make our own rule. They call the whole game exclusive.If they wanted to seperate the expansion content they would have. They felt like the whole content of the game is different for the original game from black. Why is that so hard to understand? I know why, it's a PS3 exclusive.
Dude its not exclusive.
When Riddick was ported to the PC, noone was claiming the PC version was exclusive because the PC was tweaked a little and had bump in graphics.
So the PS3 still doesn't have a AAA exclusive. Zero, Zirch, Nada...
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