I agree, it's expensive but that's my point, you get what you paid for. Games on a 1500$ PC will look better than a 600/400$ console. I found the bitmapping for outside textures and rocks quite amazing, especially the indoor ambient lighting when the light moved down the staircase in the tech demo for the engine.[QUOTE="duncanvk"][QUOTE="-Ninja_Dog-"]You know with the outrages specs for this games, its like whatever. The outdoor lighting is amazing the indoor and night stuff not so much. But its still looks awesome.MOHaashkilla
I dont want to get into a huge debate here over PC vs consoles...Im a huge console fan. I have a ton of consoles from 1980 to now...
I have been a big PC gamer "only one game, Medal of Honor Allied Assualt Spearhead"...
I can say this....People really act like PC gaming is this totaly outrageously priced thing and its not. You can do EVERYTHING on a pc....I spend most of my free time on my PC...
You can build a gaming pc to run every game out , and coming out for under 1000.00$ ....OR by the time you buy a 360 have it break, throw it in the trash, buy another one and you have spent the same $$$...Plus if you decide to get a MS warranty...Plus they nickle and dime you to death on LIVE.
Anyways, people "consolefanboys like me"....Please quit acting like you need to be BillGates just to play PC games, its a little rediculous already.
Dont by into the 360 breaking hype. My 360 works flawlessly as does 25 other 360 players on my friends list.
PC gaming is fine but its not as unified as I would like it.
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