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-Noraneko-05 Blog

Happy Holidays

Just thought I'd wish everyone happy holidays and a great '07. I know I will try.

I may be Wii-less right now but at least my mom got me this really nice (and expensive) watch for Christmas. I can wait well into the new year for my Wii.

Anyways...have a good one, now I'm off to play Elite Beat Agents.



Little update.

Still no luck finding a Wii, but there is apparently big sales going on everywhere on the 18th (Walmart, FutureShop, etc). So I'm goin got try my luck there, and also phone everyday this week, who know's maybe I'll get lucky.

Before I was only checking one place (Micrplay) since I only had enough, I had credit there. Now my mom gave me the rest of the, so now I have more places to look. It'll be my Christmas present from her (even though I'm playing more than half of it :P), but I'm happy with it. If I don't manage to get one by Christmas, I'll be patient like I learned and wait till the new year.

Anyways, appartently my banner wasn't showing (I deleted it from my hard-disk, stupid me), but I made a new one and saved it on Photobucket, it's the same thing as my old one, except people can see it now.


Hmm...Wii or iPod?

I've been thinking; since my patience is wearing down, I'm thinking I should just buy an 8GB iPod Nano, I pretty much have enough for it. The thing is though, I've always wanted a Wii ever since I laid my eyes on it, and I've come so far, but I'm tired of waiting and the words "No, none in stock". Perhaps I should just ask for it for Chirstmas?

I dunno, maybe I'mm wait one more week till I decide what I should do with this money.


Oh spite thee wireless router-less home!

I just moved recently into my new guardian's home...well, apartment to be exact. I was hoping they would have a wireless router so I could kick some arse on Mario Kart. To my surprise....nothing. I tried looking for other wireless connections in the apartment and only found one, which needed a passward :(.

My hopes of kicking other people's arses over the net on the Wii is gone. But life moves on... I'll live. Until then, I'll do it the old fashion way and play checkers with the elderly :P.


Got my Zelda, but no Wii :(

Well, I finally managed to sell my PSP and Gamecube. I have enough to buy the console now. I bought Zelda today (thanks to Grandma's money :wink: ). But I have no console to play it on. I'm praying that I get it tommorow (Sunday), but that day I also have my drama play, AND I'm also moving that day.

Now that I bought the game, I'm even more anticipated to play it, hopefully I get it in a week or too since I don't want to be staring a game case for long.


Microplay...damn you.

Well I thought I should update this thing.

Anyways, I phone Microplay (it's a Quebec based videogame store, sorta like EBgames), and I'm hoping to sell my Gamecube, and my PSP with around 12 games (8 GC, 4 PSP) with 3 UMD movies. I'm doing this to buy the Wii next weekend.

 So I'm on the phone with the lady and she tells me that they are not interested in trading in the PSP, but they would take my Gamecube. I ask her why they wouldn't take the PSP, and she said that they were not interested in taking PSPs at the moment.
So now I'm stuck w/ an unplayed PSP, just laying around, when someone could be happily enjoying it out there. And the launch of the PS3 is almost here, someone must want a PSP...
And I'm gonna be stuck without a Wii on launch, but oh well, back in the closet for my PSP.

Or I could just go to a pawn shop and get 100 bucks for it all...

Anyways...I'm out.

1000th post! :D

Yay, I reached a small milestone at Gamespot! I am teh bomb! haha. Taken me 11 months to actually reach 1000 post, more of a reader than actually posting. At this rate, I'll reach 10,000 posts in...900 more months, haha. Let's see where I am 900 months from now.
 Anyways,  it's been one full month since I wrote a blog. Not really in a blog writing mood lately, so yeah. Anyways, half the year of school is done, and another half to go, looking good so far. So yeah, anyways, C Ya!


Happy 2006!

Well, just thought I would wish everyone on the GS boards a happy New Year. A holiday that doesn't offend anyone, haha. Anyways, happy New Year's!

Saturday afternoon boredom.

    Yep, just one of those days where nothing really happens. I'm bored right now. I would post a "Comic of the Day" but the pictures don't show up on the blog anymore haha, so no point in doing that.
    So yeah, haven't been up to much lately. Bought Mario Kart DS a couple days back, and let me tell you it is one of the best games I have ever played in a long time. Probably in my top 10 best games ever played, haha. It's just so fun, online is limited but really fun. Haha, kicking other people's butt over the net and people you don't even know :lol:.
    Anyways...yeah. I also found out that RedDragonKing has passed a couple weeks back. Really sad, he seemed like a really cool person. He was actually the only one who posted on my blogs haha. Miss that dude. Seems weird to be sad for someone you never knew, but he seemed like the most rad person on GS haha. So this is for you RDK.
    Anyways...thought I would update once in a while, ha. So...C ya!


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