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-Noraneko-05 Blog

Long time no post...

Well, it's a been a while since I last posted in this journal, or what is now called a "blog". Anyways, everything is going fone, school is good and what not. I dunno, what to post... the new look on Gamespot is really well done, but I sorta miss this old one, haha, I miss the classic dark blue forums that were easy on the eyes at night, haha. But oh well, I get used to it. Well anyways, I guess I'll write more later, just wanted to update this thing. So, until next time...C ya!

Comic of the Day Sept.22

I needed a laugh today...this comic sure did the job. So yeah, I'm so tired right now (I know I always say I'm tired, but usually I'm not). But yeah, anyways, sorta in a bad mood right now...since I heard a friend on mine...committed suicide. It was hard to beleive at first, I mean, she was the person you would least expect. She was only 16. And it was over a guy. So...pretty tough to think about it. Anyways...I'm gonna go...listen to music...or play video games...I dunno, C ya!


I am now 16...

Yay!....sort of. Lol, I'm tired right now, it's 12 AM here, I actually stayed up till my it was past 12 AM, haha. Anyways, happy birthday to me! Lol, I really have nothing planned for the day, it'll probably be a regular day with cake... and maybe bowling. Heck maybe I'll go to Mcdonalds and get a free happy meal :lol:.

Haha, anyways, I'm tired right now, I'm gonna stay up for a lil while then hit the hay...I have a big day tommorow--er, actually today :lol:. So yeah...C ya!


Yay got my b-day presents 1 day early!

I got a cell phone! haha, it's an Audiovox CDM-8615 (:?) haha, confusing numbers. Anyways, I'm really happy I got a phone. I really never used it yet, lol, just spent my time figuring out how to use it adn admiring it :lol:. I also got a game (Viewtiful Joe). Never really got into it yet because I spent most of my time with the phone haha.

Anyways, just thought I'd post something. And oh yeah, the Revo controller was revealed...boy was that a surprise. At first I was a bit iffy about it, but once I saw what it can do, I cannot wait to get my hands on it! lol. I wasn't really expecting a TV-remote kind of thing, to tell you the truth, I thought it would work something like this:

Lol, anyways...until next time...C ya!


What a day Sunday was...

I was at the mall with some friends and we were at the food court drinking smoothies from Orange Juluis. Anyways, after I drank up my smoothie...I didn't feel so great. There was this great pain in my chest, I couln't breathe right and I was getting dizzy. So one of my friends called thier parents, and I was rushed to the hospital. Long story left lung collasped. It was pretty scary considering I almost died. I had a small procedure where they put this tube in me, take put the fluids and expand my lung.

I stayed at the hospital for a night and now....I'm at home. I got to miss school and won't go until Thursday :lol:. Anyways I'm still really sore on my left side, and I can't really breathe deep, and I also still have the tube on my side until tommorow, or it depends. I'm still wandering what the heck caused my lung to collasped :?.

Anyways, until next time... C Ya!.

* and also sorry for any mistakes...I'm only typing with my right hand.


My purchases today...

2 CD's.
The lastest from Our Lady Peace- Healthy in Paranoid Times,

and Social Code-A year At the Movies

Pretty good CD's. Anyways, I have a cold and I'm tired, so until next time....Cya!


Comic of the Day Sept.6.

So yeah... I'm turning 16 12 days! And for some reason...I'm not as excited as I should be :(... . I mean, it's sweet 16! Lol, it's sorta sad when you think of it. Haha, ever since I turned...13 I just stopped getting excited about my B-days, like last year, I spent my B-day travelling, help my cousin move her stuff to another country... pretty boring. But hey, at the end of the day at least I got a Gamecube :D, haha.

Soo...I have 12 days to think of something to do, this is actually the first time I have thought about it, haha. Anyways, I'm bored out of my mind right now...just thought I'd write something. So..until next time....C ya!


My new school... huge, 3000 students from grades 9-12 (it may not sound alot to some but I came from a school that only had about...500 students grade k-12 :lol: ) Anyways, it was pretty intimidating walking in the first day with 3000 students walking in the halls, it was pretty crazy. I also got lost :lol: . Took me ahile to find my class, but when I finally found it, I was the first person in ( I was about 10 minutes early :lol: ). Then the teacher thought I was related to some armwrestlers because I shared the same last name, haha, it was pretty weird.

In drama class, I swear there is some of the weirdest people there, they are all the weird "artsy people" if you can call it that, I have never felt so normal than I have before, haha. In Bio 30, I'm like the shortest and youngest person there, it's a grade 12 class, and when I walked in class, :lol:, they were all looking at me like "why is this kid here?". So yeah, the first week of school was scary, I didn't really meet new people since I stayed quiet all week, but next week I should feel more...confident.

Since I have time on my hands I'll just list the classes I'm taking all year (Grade 11):
Semester 1:
  • ELA 20
  • Drama 20
  • Biology 30
  • Chemistry 20 :x (as smart as I am :P, I dislike chemistry)
  • CPT 20
Semester 2:
  • History 20
  • Drafting 10
  • Math A 30
  • Comp. Science 20
  • Creative Writing 20
And there you have it, the classes I'm taking all year. You're probably wondering why Phys. Ed. isn't on there, well, lets just say that I was tired of being picked last for teams :lol:. I'm not as athletic as most people are, so yeah, though I do like some sports, such as cross country, track, etc.

Anyways, I'm done, so until next time...C ya!


I bought the game I thought I would never buy...

Nintendogs :lol:, this was probably the last game I would buy, but when I was at EB games yesterday, I was thinking "Hmm....Kirby, or Advance Wars: DS". But then I saw the price was a bit too much of what I had. Then Nintendogs caught my, then I was like "Oh what the hell, it seems cool, might as well give it a shot". And normally I'm a really quiet person, so me talking to a video game system was something really different :lol:.

So yeah, it's a pretty good game, I taught my dog 2 tricks so far (I had 3 but I screwed up on one). Anyways, I'm tired, thought I would write something before I go to bed. I'm moving tommorow also, so I also need the sleep. With me saying that, this will probably be my last journal for a while, I'm going to be so busy for the next few days.

So...until next time...


Album Review: The Killers-Hot Fuss

# of songs: 11
Release Date: June 15 2004
Label: Island
Genre: Alternative Pop/ Rock

The Killers, these Las Vagas performers debut with their CD called "Hot Fuss". This album is a well balance of rock and alternative pop, with some catchy songs here and there (Somebody Told Me, Mr. Brightside, Mightnight Show to name a couple). What I can say about this album is that it's full of mystery and a "romantic charm" to it. What I really liked about this album was that you can just "chill" and listen to the CD, some songs are just so...mellowy. While some songs can be...weird.
Take for instance the song "Everything will be alright", I swear the first time I heard this I was like "Was he under the influence when he was singing this?" :lol:, seemed like he was singing whatever first came to mind.

What I didn't like about the album was that songs seemed to go on...for a bit too long, right when you think the song is about to end, oh, it's going to go on for another 2 minutes, and some parts seems to move a bit slow. Some songs also seemed to be..rushed, his voice seemed dead on some songs, like come on sing the song like you mean it!

Anyways, if you are looking for a album with a nice mix of Alternative Pop and rock, charm, "mellow", and a lot of other stuff, this is an album worth buying.

* * * out of 5.

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