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-Noraneko-05 Blog

Comic of the Day -Aug24th

Mmhmm, today I woke up seeing nothing but white, haha, all my stuff is taken down from the wall in my bedroom, it honestly caught me by surprise when I woke up, I was like "WTH, who stole my stuff" :lol:, then I realized I was the one who took them down.

Anyways, until next time


Oh yeah, I'll have my second album review up soon; "The Killers-Hot Fuss".

Moving next week.

I dunno whether to feel scared, or excited...or maybe both. But I'm moving outta town next week. I've been wanting this for.. I dunno how long, but it's finally happening! :D. As you probably know (read first entry if you don't), I live in a small community, and I can tell you, it absolutly sucks! There's nothing to do, well, expect partying it up all night long (which is not my thing). So I'm finally moving, so I'm enjoying my last few days here.

I was packing some stuff from my room, then it hit me, I'm actually going somewhere. Haha, I guess it hits you once you know you're really leaving. Sure it'll be hard to start all over, but I'm up for it. I'm really excited for this. Anyways, thought I would share it.


Comic of the Day.

This one made me laugh (it's been a slow day so I laugh at anything).

So yeah, it's the end of the month now, so I'll be moving outta town now to go to a new school pretty soon. I'm excited, I'm so tired of this small place. It'll be hard to start somewhere new, but I'm up for it. Anyways...there's the comic.


Album Review: The All-American Rejects-Move Along

Since I'm bored, and there's not much happening on the boards right now, I thought I would start something here. My own album reviews. And my first review is the latest from The All-American Rejects with their album called "Move Along".

So, let's go through the facts first:
# of songs: 12
Album Length: 45 minutes
Album Release Date: July 12th 2005
Label: Interscope

In 2002, the All-American Rejects released their self-titled debut album. They proved that they were talented and had the potentional. But it seemed they were soon labeled as "One hit wonders" with their song "Swing Swing". Now 3 years later they are back with their second album called "Move Along".

This album has some rocking, I will say that again, it has some rocking. The Rejects blend piano, choirs in some songs, even classical guitar, and the result is pop-rock that would appeal the casual listeners. The album moves along (no pun intended) quiet nicely. Their are some catchy songs, and some moody songs, where the lead vocalist (Tyson Ritter) sings like he means it.

Now the negative part. Some songs...seem to go...alittle over the hill. Like the song "Can't Take It", where it leaves you thinking ":| Woah, what up with that?". It felt like there was something missing, and I cannot put my finger on it. The album either left me wanting more, or wanting less of something. But either way, it was a good album that is worth listening to if you are into the Pop/Rock genre.

I am giving this very first album I reviewed a :D:D:D out of 5.

Feel free to comment if you want to say something.

My little rant on the Revolution.

I posted this in the forums, but it seems no one made notce of it, so I mind as well postit here then. Anyways:

As much as I want to Revolution to come first in the next gen console wars, I don't think it'll happen. The best Nintendo could probably do is come 2nd, not 1st. I don't mean to disapoint anyone here, but we got to think logically here. You see, Nintendo has been called the "underdog" of the consoles for the past 2 generations after it was claimed the king of consoles and handhelds. Today, Sony holds much of the gaming market, the "Playstation" is becoming the household brand of videogames. Sony has been on top for the last 2 generations, and they have a high chance of claiming it again simply because they are pretty well known for their consoles. They have alot of 3rd party support also, which greatly helps sales.

If Nintendo ever wants to hold the number 1 spot again, they'll have to work hard for the next gen (get good 3rd party support, good online support, steady flow of games, etc.). So if next gen is pretty good for the Revolution, Nintendo could have a chance of regaining that number one spot they formally had, in future generations of gaming. They have to win the respects of alot of gamers and developers if they are thinking about being number one again (which is not any of their concern though).

Affordable prices doesn't exactly mean it'll sell a lot, look at the Gamecube, it was the lowest priced console this generation, and that didn't help boost much sales. People look at the prices and think "That's the least amount, which means it'll be cheap and shoddy". People look at cheap prices thinking it's a cheap product, so it didn't exactly help Nintendo with sales.

Anyways, I'm done. Whadda you think?


Wow, this game is amazing, I have never had so much fun with a DS game this much. I just got this game this weekend, and I cannot put it down, it's so damn addicting, haha. It's a pretty awesome puzzle game. The only bad thing I can find about it, is that it may cause addiction.

Anyways, if you are looking for a DS game that has tons of replay value, fast-paced gameplay, and addicting, this is the game worth getting.

I also got Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. It's also a pretty good game, and it's challenging, still stuck in this one part, haha.

So far I have 8 GC games, 4 DS games, and 3 GBA games ( I have 4 GBA games but my little brother lost one of them, which was Astro Boy).

"Three for free" deal with Nintendo Power.

I thought about it, and decided "what the heck I'll do it". I made an account on and registered my hardware (My GC, DS, and GBA). And when you registered three Nintendo products, you get three subscriptions of Nintendo Power for free. I've been wondering if I should get it, and check it out, and I decided to.

So yeah, I heard they improved their magazine, so I thought I should check it out, and if i like what I'm seeing, maybe I'll get a yearly subscribtion, with is like 15 dollars (Canadian), which is also part of the deal. The normal fee was 30 dollars I believe.

Anyways, I'm bored here with my summer. Been playing some Alien Hominid, which is an awesome game. It's fast-paced and pretty fun, especially if you have friends to play it with. I'm still wandering what games I should get next. I still have to increase my library because I only have 4 GBA games, 3 DS games, and 7 GC games. So next time I go outta town, I'll probably by more games...which is tommorow, haha.

Anyways, I'm done talking, or rather typing, so...yep. Thanx for reading.


Killer 7

Well, looks like Gamespot gave this game an 8.3. Pretty good. This game looks incredible, just the art direction and the whole concept of it. Looks like this will be an unforgetable game. The story also seems very compelling. I really want this game, but...I don't know, something is keeping me from buying this game. I think it's the whole adult content that is keeping me from it. I'm think I won't be able to enjoy as much as I want to. Sure I can handle M rating game, like Resident Evil 4, or even GTA, but this game actually takes the M rating to a whole new level.

After watching the video review, I decided that I should just skip this game. As much as I want it, I just think it's not the game for me. I would sure like to see more games like this come along, games like this never come along very often.

So anyways, thought I would just write about this game...


So my summer begins...

Well, this is my first entry, out of the 5-6 months I've been here (Well actually almost a year since this is my new account, I made a new since I hated my username "Puhdoo05", what was I thinking). Anyways, I thought I would give this journal stuff a shot. So, with saying that, I present to you, my very first journal entry:

So, my first entry... well today I'm unofficially off from school today. When I say unofficially I mean all my exams are done with and I only have Thursday to go to pick up my report card, then, my summer really begins.

Ahh summer, those days you wished lasted forever, where you can just sit around all day and absolutely do nothing at all. Us teenagers are like bats, we hang around all day doing nothing, but when night comes, we're all over the place, left, right, up, down. Anyways, I'm bad with analogies. I live in a small town, a population of about 1700 (woah not alot right?). So yeah, it's those kind of towns were there is absolutely nothing to do. Me, I have little to do except post here at GS, and play video games, practice keyboard, write, jog, bike around, anything to do to keep me from going insane...

"Maybe I should hang around with my peers you say?"
Well...all the girls here are skimpy little (insert bad word here), so I'd rather stay away from them, fearing I might catch Hep C from them (okay that was a bit mean), and everyone around my age only looks forward to the weekend for what they called "getting hammered", so nothing special there. So here I am, in a small community town nothing to do. So... haha, ran out of stuff to say. Anyways, this was my first entry so this is most like a test entry here.

So, I look forward to posting whatever pops out of my lil' smart head of mine on these journals, you can also comment any thoughts about my entries. Anyways, thanks for reading!

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