but skeptics have been on national TV debating it. I want to believe they went but i can't honestly say i know for certain, It's so much secret and crazy stuff going on around the world now. I tell you what I would love to do.........watching a shuttle or rocket launch in person would be nice.
Anyway, If you have a Million bucks you can take a trip around the moon. Virgin Atlantic Tours.
On Thursday, February 15th 2001 (and replayed on March 19), the Fox TV network aired a program called ``Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon?'', hosted by X-Files actor Mitch Pileggi. The program was an hour long, and featured interviews with a series of people who believe that NASA faked the Apollo Moon landings in the 1960s and 1970s. The biggest voice in this is Bill Kaysing, who claims to have all sorts of hoax evidence, including pictures taken by the astronauts, engineering details, discussions of physics and even some testimony by astronauts themselves. The program's conclusion was that the whole thing was faked in the Nevada desert (in Area 51, of course!). According to them, NASA did not have the technical capability of going to the Moon, but pressure due to the Cold War with the Soviet Union forced them to fake it.
I just noticed that there is stuff all over the net about this.....wow
I saw something on youtube today that was kind of interesting, the link below is part 1 of 3 parts showing a man debunking pictures of the mission to the moon with photo shop. if you have some time check it out and discuss. I'm wondering what people here think about the possibility of NASA staging the Apollo mission to the moon.
Change sounds good to me. McCain looks like he's going to die any moment and the republicans are always saying the same exact things to win votes. They are the reason why the country is in the state that it is in now. The country is in need and things need to change FAST. At first I liked Billery, then I lost respect for her when she started doing the crying game. I can't vote for a person who is going to cry when things get tough, especially in these times. She needs to stop attacking Obama with non-related issues and focus on making the country better. She has proven to me how immature she can be. She dosen't care about the dems, If she dosen't win she dosen't want Obama to win either, what a real dem she is, huh. Billery talks out the side of her face way too much for me. Kudos to Obama for handling her with professionalism. I don't see Obama losing to these candiates, but i do see a lot of true colors showing since he's been in the race for the white house.
I thought everyone knew that Elections were rigged. After seeing what George and his cuzin Jud Bush did to get in the house again....its a wonder why people still have faith in the system.
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