I'm probably older then most people on this board. Lets just say I have vivid memories of me playing Coleco Vision and the Atari 2600 as a young lad. I'm currently in a great relationship with a lady but she thinks video games are for kids. I've explained to her they are all not just for kids ( M for Mature ratings ), and she does tolerates me playing them for the most part because we do plenty of things together ( dates, shopping, talking, quality time, etc ). She also thinks i look funny with the controller in my hands making funny noises and body movements..... she thinks it's not sexy.
Sometimes when I'm online playing my BFBC,GTA4, Rainbow6Vegas and COD4 she will hear players whining and smack talking...and occasionally from nowhere a young sqeaky voice might blare out immature jesters causing my lady friend to joke and call me a potential pedophile, then saying "why are you playing with kids?" * puts on mad face*
Maybe she's right, I suspect there are probably just teens here too. Are there any over the age of 30 gamers here, And are there anyone else having these issues too?
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