I never believed you can have a decent conversation with heated words. Kindness, respect and an open mind always made an discussion interesting informative and entertaining.
Why do people argue with each other on the Internet? I honestly think some get their kicks by starting verbal wars online with someone they don't know.Most of these debates are based on opinions but what really confuses me is the cyber bravery. I rarely see people talk to each other like this in person or in seminars but here in almost every topic someone is calling someone stupid, dumbass, ignorant, no life ( hahaha my favorite), Noob, retard etc....lmao. I'm almost positive these same people will never speak to others like this in person. Is it that serious that you have to try and make someone else look less of a person then you...even when you don't know anything about each other. It looks so immature and cowardly when i see guys disrespecting each other over the net. Or maybe because i'm kind of old school and set in my ways when dealing with people. I just can't see myself being bother with that type of nonsense. It must be a young person thing, i guess.
So tell me, why do people argue over the net like they are mad at the world..... or are these the toughest dudes in the world? Too much phoniness, not many know how to be real.....but I bet many can find that statement arguable too. meh
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