I have a BC Rich Kerry King Warlock, an Aria Strat, a Takamine Electric Nylon, and I just ordered the ESP Alexi 200 Flying V.Thyeora Nice. As for me I have a Ace Frehely Signature with custom pick-ups its pretty nice I like it. I plug it into a 120 watt Crate also decent size.
Syracuse... tomorrow is my last day at home.Dark__Link They have a good NCAA Mens basketball team have fun :) As for me I hope to get into Penn. State.
There's that one song from them I like....it has arms race in it (I don't know what it's called). The goth looking guy is a fruit cake.FRieDRyCe I can't stand him I agree 1,000 percent!
I still think this is the best energy drink around...its got the perfect name Mumbles527 lol Cocaine in a can baby!! lol nice find!
18-36 months in jail, and the NFL will suspend him for a year after, plus few teams will be interested in signing an over 30 QB who is out of shape and unpopularDisturbedChild7 Very good point.
it sounds like too much if you cant spell class :|DisturbedChild7 lol I was thinking the same thing, I probably wouldn't take 5, maybe 4...
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