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#1 -Y2J-
Member since 2005 • 1000 Posts

I remember when someone said that people don't stay in countries they hate, which I then gave the example of Muslim immigrants in England.

They come to the UK, many of which just sponge off the benefits system and refuse to integrate, so they can spend their days making sure everyone knows how much they hate the UK. And we cannot kick them out of the country, because EU dictated human rights say we cannot export people who may be harmed in the country we are sending them.

So we get BS like this. Muslims who refuse to integrate, greeting the dirty Kuffars with a smile, telling them they should convert to Islam/Sharia law while they still can; before they take over the world and force their religion on everyone...


And don't you dare say a negative word about such people, otherwise you are a racist/bigot/islamaphobe; and will be subject to the full force of anti discriminatory law. Laws of course, that do not appear to apply to them, when they preach about spilling our blood on the streets of London and taking our wives as war booty.

Multiculturalism demands that you hate your own culture, constantly butchering and sacrificing it, in the name of tolerance towards groups who don't give a **** about co-existence and mutual respect. Only racists/bigiots/islamaphobes could possibly disapprove of such a movement.

funnily enough, i did my dissertation on this exact thing (multiculturalism), except mine was a case study using Blackburn. Some of your points are right, many do come here and to scandanavia for benefits, but some of your points are rediculous and typical edl propaganda that i read about. muslims refure to integrate, not so much muslims but their ethnic backgrounds, pakistanis, bangladeshis, indians and so forth, you'll find many places where people live only next to other people from the same country. Of course the whole integration argument is very complex, what do we mean by integration, that they drink and act all british, follow its laws( which they all do), of course we can use this on any minority group, do the polish not integrate, manchester is covered with polish shops in polish language selling their own goods, little portugals, and little china's. Like i said refusing to integrate is a large and complex argument. your third paragrpah is confusing, it seems you have some personal issues, and seem suspicious of muslims, you dont like people smiling at you, if they ask you to convert say no thanks, its what i tell jehovah's witnesses. and the last line about taking over the world is their own opinion and you shouldnt take it so serious. about talking negative about muslims / islam, im not sure wherr you live but the UK is full of critique, just go read the telegraph or daily mail, every day there will be something for you to read. there is a difference between critique and discrimination, when you discriminate you can be prosecuted that happens to everyone and you shouldnt be blinded by your obvious hate of muslims / islam. My final comment is that the war booty comment is just disgusting and you should look yourself in the mirror for idiocy. and i dont think you actually know what multiculturalism is or how it should be implemented, not a fan of it personally as i think we should follow a more american or french system but still read somethin besides the daily mail.
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#2 -Y2J-
Member since 2005 • 1000 Posts
looks similar to what you get on windows 7 phone
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#3 -Y2J-
Member since 2005 • 1000 Posts
This looks like it the same group of people who protested the soldiers funerals and who burned poppies. It's the exact same people every time. Secondly about honour killings, this isn't related to Islam, people don't do it cos of something to do with religion , honour killings is a south Asian thing. With my background ( Pakistani heritage) I can be pretty sure. Hk happens in India , Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. It an old pre Islamic practise that still continues today.
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#4 -Y2J-
Member since 2005 • 1000 Posts
had just come back from school, i was 11 then.my dad was wathing the news and i didnt really know what was going on. it was until i was at mosque until everyone was talking about it. went home around 7 and watched the news for the next week.
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#5 -Y2J-
Member since 2005 • 1000 Posts
select your hdd, press tringle then display all.
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#6 -Y2J-
Member since 2005 • 1000 Posts
Alot of these lone gunman types always seem to be right wing extreme Christians. It is a slight cause for alarm
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#7 -Y2J-
Member since 2005 • 1000 Posts
gears of war 1 and 2. i think thers a special edition for the second one with 14 maps and al the add ons. both games are cheap now and its a definte purchase
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#8 -Y2J-
Member since 2005 • 1000 Posts

i've got £40 for ps3 games, i'll get infamous 2 later on i can wait for that. is there any other good recomended games fvrom you guys?

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#9 -Y2J-
Member since 2005 • 1000 Posts

Haha Sony and their spin. They lost a fortune on the PS3 and cannot afford PS4 development. If Microsoft launches in 2013 (which they should) Sony will slowly be forced out of the games market because of the amazing money sink that is the PS3.

sometimes fanboys are really pathetic and stupid. sony wont annouce ps4 or its development until they want to. and until that time they'll keep promoting the ps3 like any proper business. and how do you know sony cant afford ps4 development. a company that size puts billions in R&D, why dont you go into the corner and cry.
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#10 -Y2J-
Member since 2005 • 1000 Posts
this should be in the ps3 forum