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092093 Blog

Soul Calibur 3/Sony needs competition for SSB/PS2 games I should get/etc.

I was planning on getting this, but I want to know what the improvements are between this and the 2nd one.


Also, what do you think of Sony making a Super Smash Bros.type game? If they made one what characters would you want on it? Would you buy a PS3 for it?


Anothr thing, what games should I get for my PS2, I plan on sticking with it as my Sony console (at least until PS3 lowers to $350-$450). The genres I like are fighting, EA Sports BIG, platformer, side-scroller,beat-em-up, and I have never liked a FPS until Metroid Prime, so if they're are any similar PS2 games please reccomend.

Also, if you haven't already given a list to me on past blog about NES/SNES/DS/GC please feel free to reccomend.


Oh yeah, one more thing I forgot, what is the diffence between PS2 fat and PS2 slim? I was thinking, if it hassome good upgrades, I could sell my old PS2 and a few games and have enough money for it.I was thinking this could be good because I plan on sticking with PS2 for a while and my laser on my old PS2 (I had for almost6 years now)could stop any day now, but it is working perfect now.


Okay, so I ordered Metroid Prime from Gamestop.com. I got it today, played for about thirty minute, get to the second level, take this elevator type thing, and then it says "GameCube disc could not be read, See Gamecube Instruction Manual for more." Problem is I don't have the manual anymore, so my question is, is it my Gamecube that's messed up or do I just need to exchange the disc for a new one?

BTW this disc is used, and when I very first put it in I noticed a sort of static/scratchingsound coming from the Gamecube. I put in another disc (SSBM which I've had for like 3 years) and it had the sound, but not as loud.

My Plan

You don't have to read this, I just don't feel like writing it down.

I'm going to buy4 more games on PS2 (Soul Calibur 3, DBZ: Budokai Tenkaichi 3, God of War 2 (if I like GOW), and Guitar Hero: Legends of Rock), 2 on Gamecube (Metroid Prime 2: Echos (if I like MP) and Mario: Toadstool Golf), the new Silver PSP, some PSP games(Tekken: Dark Ressurection, God of War: PSP (if I like God of War 2), and Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes),a DS game(Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations ), and then save for Wii. I plan on starting to save up for the Wii or PS3 (if price goes down again)during theSpring of 2008.

P.S. I'm going to make this stand out so I can always find it later.

Harry Potter

Well, with the new Harry Potter book coming out in about 40 minutes, I thought I'd make a blog. First of all I did not read any spoilers and I don't want to.

Second here is my history with Harry Potter, I've read the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and I can't remember if I read the 3rd one. I watched all the movies released except the 5th one (now in theaters).

I'm not obsessed enough to wait in line at Hastings at midnight (I would like to hear from the ones who did though lol), but I did pre-order it on Amazon.com back in February (I think it comes in this week).

So is anybody else waiting for this book? Did you pre-order? Did you wait a store at midnight dressed like Ron Weasly?

P.S. How do you make a spoiler?

Games I'm getting before I get new-gen (need some help).

First of all the maybes: Rachet and Clank(because I found out they have the same devolopers from the original Spyro games), some donkey kong games (maybey one for SNES and 2 for GC), Tomb Raider: Anniversary Edition, Mario's Gamecube sports games, Bully, Resident Evil 4,and some NES/SNES games.

This is the "almost positive I'm going to get (eventually) list":Tony Hawk's Proving Grounds, SSX on Tour (GC), Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes, King of Fighters 2006, Final Fantasy XII, and Need for Speed: ProStreet.

Now the games I want for sure: Soul Calibur III, Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, andDragonball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi III (wow, a lot of threes. (which is around $155)

BTW this will be over a 1.5 to 2.5 year span (maybe even longer).

Okay here's your part in this blog, just "vote" on which "maybes" should be "For Sures", and read my last blog.

BTW this blog will be edited, so if you really want to help keep coming back. I want add another blog for a while.

Thanks everybody, talk to you guys later


P.S. Please don't suggest new-gen games, because I'm not going to save for PS3 ('til another price drop), I don't appreciate Xbox, and where I live it is da*n near impossible to find a Wii.

I need some game suggestions.

I have FC twin(which plays NES and SNES),PS2, GameCube, and DS, and I just wanted some suggestions for those systems, mostly ones that are Greatest Hits, Player's Choice, or classic games. Also which megaman game for NES/Snes is the best? Is MGS:Twin Snakes a full-on FPS or is it more in a 3rd person view?

EDIT: I was also thinking about gettingFinal Fantasy 12, but I've never played one before. So my question is does not knowing the story from the other FF games matter or is it a new story?

I'm looking for the followiing genres on the following systems.

NES: clasics or series that are still popular today.

SNES: Side Scrollers

PS2: "only on PS2 games", action, maybe some RPGs, and "greatest hits".

Gamecube: I want to know which "only on gamecube" and "players choice"games are the best.

DS: I'm actually not looking for me anything on this right now, but if you know any good games please reccomend them.

Forget Next-gen

I'm going to take advantge of my NES, Snes, GC, and PS2 right now.

So I'm about to order Metroid Prime(GC), Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes(GC), and God of War(PS2). Good choices?

Holy H3LL!

I've been looking on the web for a Wii for like the last hour. Argh! It's P!$$!NG me off. Every time I find one it's like $400, and on Amazon.com there are used ones for $450! I've never seen one in a store, and really I think it would be easier to save up a couple 100 dollars more for a PS3 than hunt a year for a Wii! IDK....... I mean the PS3 games cost like $10more and they last a lot longer because blu-ray holds more, but the system cost $250 more (retail that is). But PS3 would be a lot easier to find, the graphics are way better, it has all my favorite series, and it has a little motion sensing and the Wii is almost impossible to find in America right now, doesn't very many of my favs (except SSB really and games that are also for other systems), and really I've played before and I wasn't that interested with the way the motion sensing worked. So what do y'all think, Wii or PS3? I guess PS3 since it has most the pros right now. Then again has anyone else noticed how almost all PS3 games coming out are dark and evil? There is no plain old fun colorful games, like Spyro and other old SCEA games. Really the only thing I want to do on Wii is try out the Zapper and play SSBB. So I guess the best for my preferences is the PS3.....Man, how many blogs have I had like this? lol. Hardly anyone reads them.....I guess they're all the same, me talking about " Ps3 is cool, whoa Wii looks fun, what should I get, I want to play Tekken 6, blah, blah, blah". Really the only reason I type these are to try to persuade myself to one system or the other, but I made my mind up.... I'm getting a PS3. I don't care how long it takes me to save, and if I ever make another blog like this someone PLZ tell me I'm being a retard!