[QUOTE="0bscurity"]Wow, really, you're that obtuse? When I skipped school I chose to do it, when I did something stupid as a kid I chose to do it, when I played games or watched movies I shouldn't have, bingo, I chose to do it. Were my parents there to try to stop me? Most definitely, but that doesn't change the fact that I still got around them and did it. You people act as if the parents put the gun in the kids hand and sent him out the door, it's absolutely ridiculous.
How am i being obtuse? An 11 year old child should not have the "choice" so skip school. His parents should make damn sure he goes and gets an education. Parents letting their kids play M-rated games isnt that uncommon; i know my parents used to let me watch movies beyond my age, simply because they had raised me to know i wasnt going to immitate them.
Had i watched Terminator and then become obsessed with it, made my own Terminator suit and started shooting things, pretendeding to be said-terminator, you can be sure they'd have put a stop to it. You cant allow your children to become obsessed with something like that.
And seriously.... you're going to defend them letting an eleven year old boy play with a .22 calibre rifle with live ammo?
lmao, desperation is setting in. People make their own choices every day, this child chose to play with a gun that unfortunately had live ammunition in it and lost his life because of it. There's no one to blame here. If you're so sure it's the parents fault would you go as far as to say we should prosecute them and put them on trial? What if the article was stating it was the video games fault, would you jump that band wagon too? And when did I say it was okay that an 11 year old with live ammunition is fine? There's no need to put words in my mouth. I don't think anyone needs to own a gun, but that's a whole other opinion that I simply don't wish to elaborate on.
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