Sony comes out of leftfield with a handheld system and steals away nearly 50% of Nintendo's sales, the one and only company to ever do handheld console gaming right.
Anyone who says Zelda needs to do some serious rethinking, remember, this isn't a poll on popularity it's on who's been more important, and FF takes it by a long shot.
It's as if people forgot the 360 was made by Microsoft, when have they ever been reliable? I've had so many problems with Microsoft products, there's no way I'd dump $500 on their faulty console too.
Anything after Ocarina of Time was not that great IMO, Okami on the other hand is a completely new game which brought players to a new level of gaming. I can only hope for a sequel.
For the long run, PS3 + Wii hands down. You realize how pricey gaming is gonna get with a 360 and PC? Countless repairs, upgrades, XBL; all taking away from new games.
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