I'm currently at rank 9 with 39/43 stars for rank 10. I just beat adamantoise and I've looked everywhere for a hunt to get the final four stars. Can someone offer some help as to where I can get them?
0diN_7's forum posts
Has the community decided on a firm sl meta for pvp yet? Everyone seems split between 100 and 120. 100 is great for anyone investing in only one attack stat but for anything else you would really need to go higher. Quality builds and all forms of magic users would suffer a lot by staying at 100. Thougts?
I bought a new 3ds so my fc has changed. It's now 0791-4847-9426. Can I get a mod to change it please?
There's this Facebook online yardsale group that I joined and I found a lady selling a super Nintendo with 22 games and two controllers. Some of the better games I got were super metroid, star fox, super mario rpg, and f zero. The snes and the carts are all in very good condition. I got it all for 50 bucks. Do you guys think that's a good deal?
So can someone explain to me what sl I should be at or around for pvp? Also, what about sl for covenants like the sun bros.? If my level is too high will I be able to be summoned to help with bosses? Thanks in advance.
It can be a very challenging game and is for a long time. It teaches you to learn from your mistakes and forces you to get better at it. I'm playing ng+++ right now and I'm slaughtering everything in my path and have been since probably halfway to 3/4 of the way through ng so it does get quite easy. It's not for everyone. You can see that here in these posts. I guess it's a love it or hate it sort of thing. I happen to think it's amazimg.
Ok cool. Thanks for the good advice.
If you guys don't see what tc is doing here then you're blind.
I beat the game and I'm looking to complete everything I can before ng+. I've beaten vendrick but I just don't know what other side material there is to complete. I'm not really looking to do any pvp because my build isn't that great at it. I usually get beat. I'm a beast in pve though. Any help would be appreciated.
I'm really happy it's hard. I haven't bought a Wii U yet but when I do I'll get this game. I'm so sick of the Mario games being so easy. Platformers need to be hard. It makes it fun. I played DK country Returns on my 3DS and I was happy it wasn't a complete pushover. It was actually challenging. I'm sick of games being so easy that I just fly through them.
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