I'm a die hard Final Fantasy fan. I was born in the 80's and I've been playing the series from early on so I used to get upset when square released that they were making FFXI an mmo or how linear they made FFXIII. I was mad when they took the world map out of FFX. Up until very recently I almost hated the new FF but I'm going back through XIII and I'm sorry but I love it. I'm trying to be more open to what Squre-Enix is doing instead of hating on my favorite game series of all time all the time. FF XV is not going to be a hack and slash game. It's going to be an action RPG similar to Kingdom Hearts but improved upon. You'll even be able to switch between your characters on the fly. There is going to be an open world map that you can traverse by foot, chocobo, and airship. The city in the demo is the only modernized city in the world. Every other place in the world is going to be fantasy like for reasons I'm not going to explain here. Just go read about it. I was pissed about this game too until I read all the info I could find about it. They are bringing back a lot of cool elements that made FF good. Also, did everyone forget how linear X was? Very linear to say the least. All FF games are linear it just seems like they aren't because of the world map. They open up towards the end but everything is just one big hallway for most of the game.
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