Im very disappointted with the review GS has given the newest installment from activision. Here is why:
1. The game came out TWO weeks ago. isint that a little too long to wait, considering my local newspaper had the review in before, and thats only one person doing all the game reviewing.
2. When they claim to have spent a week and a half "reviewing" the game, how the hell do they manage to put out less than a full page of a review?'
3. They claimed it to be a rockband clone, i say hardly, the games are very different. even a fool knows that. Saying WT copied rockband is near saying rockband copied guitar hero! which they didnt! harmonix made GH 1 & 2!
4. The music studio is too "complicated", yeahhhh, no. Three hours of use one night and i have it mastered. And im someone thats never been around that kind of stuff, not even garageband or something. All it takes is patience and common sense.
5. And finally the instruments. I have had 0 problems with anything. with one exception.I didnt plug the hi-hat in completley the first time, which registered in a failure, one push and everything has been solid since. The touchstrip is a nice feature to show off or just try something different, after all, its not mandatory. the drums and bass guitar are wayyy more realistic, and alot more difficult. I like.
So, im not complaining about gamespot, i just think the review could be alot better, not just in the score, but in the presentation. oh and please be kind mods. NOW what are your thoughts about the game, and the review aswell?
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