a bit off topic, but i played mgs4 in HD then plugged in my wii for some super mario bros. it looked SOOOOO BAD.haha. was almost unplayable for me, i guess being made in like 1986 or something..
anyone else as stoked as i am for it?Ive heard it supposed to be amazing!!then the 18th ep. on the 23rd!:oops:
all i know mexico is good for is churros pretzels and other food.and that little mexican mouse that was on buggs bunny show.:P
id like to go into the middle east and take those terrorists on one on one,no weapons.see how tough they are without em.
i give your an 8/10.i have COD4MGS4Resistance Assassins CreedTurokRock BandSoul Caliber 4GTA4Condemned2
"I will stand, until everything falls away,I will fight this war forever, or until I die." - Haste the day - when everything falls
SNAKE IS A THIRD PARTY CHARACTER. CANT BE HIM.could be kratos, but what i reallt wanted to say is,WE WANT ANOTHER CRASH BANDICOOT GAME!
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