on day one i got pissed off cause the "disk tray" wouldnt eject. realized the next day there isint one....
its not a huge diff, but it maybe worth going to somewhere closer to your house? even a friendly neibor.
beside what your character it should show the power, gauge, special etc.it should say something like 20/40 or 0/80 for them, if any of them are higher than what is available, (90/50)i doesnt work. to fix it change your equipment around until it all fits.
im fourteen too, but im a fairly strong kid, with my soccer weight training and all.i woulda told the kids to F*** off, if they didnt id sucker punch the first one that came at me. i think that would somewhat intimidate them.but, you never said if they were armed or anything, if they were then id gtfo.
something like this will get you at least some respect, if you havent lost it all already.http://shopapparel.lacoste.com/p/5-Pocket-Low-Rise-Slim-Fit-Selvedge-Denim-Jean-34/B001B61C5Yhttp://shopapparel.lacoste.com/p/Short-Sleeve-Solid-Pima-Polo/B000Q6KJ0Ycheck them out.if thats too pricey for you ganstas.then american eagle has simaler stuff for cheaper.
im not one for religion, it is the largest cause of war in the worlds history, and almost all religion seems completly barbaric to me.i hope the flame gaurds are working for this: jesus christ can suck on ma ballz.
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