ok, so in august i got a new 37 inch lcd tv, and its great.
http://www.viewsonic.com/products/lcdtv/n3735w/ for those interested.
But i have one compaint about it, lack of inputs. It has 1 av, 2 component, 2 hdmi.
Iam filling the av with my sony dvd player, and one component with a wii, now heres my problem: I am getting an hd satellite reciever for my 14thbirthdayon november 13thbut, it has no hdmi - no problem right, put it in the component. but after watching a few movies the dvd playerdoesnt look that great, and i really want to get the componet cables for it. remmber how i have 2 component ins, not 3?
yeah so i have a dilemma, put the dvd player in component and use standard cables for satellite, or vice versa??
i have come up with a few solutions, use s-video for dvd player, use standard wii cables, or get upconverting hdmi dvd player.
the wii cables i want to keep forsure, it really helps picture quality. i have a fairly new dvd player and my mom sees no need in me getting another one, so that down the drain too. so i thought about s-video, but does it really improver picture quality enough to notice? or do you guys have any other ideas to help?
anything would be great.
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