1st SOME people prefer MK in genres that were born on PC: FPS RTS MMO Management TBS....
they fail hard.rgame1
The irony of this is hilarious. :rofl:
2nd SOME people prefer to be FREE to mod their games into BETTER games or LICENSED themes with TOTAL CONVERSIONS...
mods that knowone plays. believe me, I tried it.rgame
And, you represent how many people?
3rd SOME people actually LIKE anti aliasing....
can be done on PC's. Plus when you are 8 feet away from TV, you can hardly see jaggies.rgame
AA makes the picture sharper bud. ;) I don't think it's too much to admit that a better picture is a plus.
4th SOME people actually want TRUE NATIVE HD....
yeah, the losers who got nothing better to do.rgame
Says the person on Gamespot...:biglaugh:
5th SOME people REFUSE to be ripped off £50-£45 per game....
thats because the hardware to run the game is a total bargain *cough* PS3 *cough*rgame
If you think technology comes cheap, then I think it's time you move out of your mothers basement. ;)
6th SOME people WANT an even field in MP by not seeing where the other guy is in LAN FPS and not SPLIT screen FPS....
whatever you said, no one cares about. err what did you say??rgame
Again you can speak for how many people?
7th SOME people whant to be able to use ANY controller they want...
yeah, the lame ones. which break and you gotta go back to the mouse and keyboard. Not to mention the buttons have to be set. Imagine setting buttons on a DMC game....= hell.rgame
You can use the Xbox 360 controller on a PC. Shows how much you know. Maybe you shouldn't say anything and save yourself the humiliation.
8th SOME people actually want LUXURY monster rigs that offer an experience unmatched by ANYTHING....
yeah and most people have bills to pay, kids to feed, space to save, electricity to save, food to eat.rgame
Yeah because everyone knows that PC gamers don't have responsibilites. :roll:
9th SOME people actually WANT 700h long SINGLE player games like Total War, Diablo, ES Morrowind....
there are longer games on Wii.rgame
You should name one...but I know how streneous it is to type a few letters much less read. :)
And 10th PEOPLE whant a FREE platform without the boundaries and the milking devices of a corporate behemoth...
you gotta be kidding me right?
It's too bad that you can't come up with anything here. The lulz would have been worth it.
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