.........................Away the hating fanboys!
If you want games such as Heavenly Sword,Lair , Tekken,MGS4,finalfantasy ,motorstorm etc you will need aPS3! I have had a 360 for a bit now and have quite a few top games,but with so many genres of games theres always going to be unique games on each console! I Just accept that in a few years ill get a PS3 as i have never spent more than 300 quid on a console, and ill have so many great games to choose from for the Ps3 that will also be varied! At the moment i have more than enough 360 games and it really is exciting to see the great games coming up for it, so the 360 is also great.
If you want to play Gears, Banjo3, Halo3 ,Mass Effect,lost planet or Bioshock then get a 360! Simply choose one of the two consoles and consider the other or, if possible, get both! Which company loses this exclusive or that is just petty. I mean im glad ill get to play DMC4 on 360,but each console has plenty of top exclusives anyway, so if Bioshock goes multiplat then it is only a minor thing as both systems will have a few great games each year and other top games.The point is that if you like a few types of games then why dont you want these top games that both consoles have to offer? Most of the time its just fanboy BS. With these two consoles we have games that are top quality and none can Completely outdo the other.
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