I Laugh at people when they tell me PS3 is better than 360 or 360 is better than PS3. WHY? Because I Own Both a PS3 and 360. and while most console fanboys come on to gamespot and like to rip on other consoles. the fact of the matter is they do so cause they **** at gaming. They have nothing better to do than to cause trouble, when they should relise that its there fault they cant own both systems. The fact of the matter is i am a better gamer than anyone on here because i dont spend my life defending a companys product. I have better things to do
101gamespot's forum posts
Just check the manufacturing date, any console made august or later is ok.gp19
They have a gears of war bundle coming out down here that should be safe to buy dont u think
Best Hardware tick
Best Online tick
Now the games will start to poor in
And belive me when i tell u this go to Games Industry.biz and u will find a phill Harrison Artical (Software is our main focus now)
Wireless SIXAXIS (Rumble Controller Coming soon)
Blu Ray-Â HD Games AND HD MOVIESÂ out of the Box
Free Online
Web Browser
WiFi/Bluetooth- PSP, Keyboards, Mouse, Etc
The best games are yet to come people.- FF13, MGS4, GT5 and heaps more
BluRay is winning the format War
Thanks to GDC Incresing Game Development Tools from SCEE and Incresing 3rd Party Support
XBOX 360 is Loud, Scratches Disks and Overheats all the time (PS3 does none of that)
Abillity to run Linux OS on PS3
Playstation Name
Ow and even if the game looks better on 360 it most certainly will play better on the PS3. (Wont Freeze up or have Frame rate Issues) Oblivion Perfect Example
All this for 599. That is a steal people (PS Sony will drop the price if the consol does not sell well in 2007 the only reason they say there not dropping the price is so people will buy it now and sony can try and save as much money as they can befor they will have no choice but to drop the price of the PS3)
Also 360 Rocks WII Rocks and PS3 Rocks and PC Gaming lives on
While u will be playing Halo 3
I will be Playing Halo 3 and MGS4
While u will be playing Mass Effect
I will be playing Mass Effect and FFXIII
While u will be Playing GOW
I will be playing GOW and Killzone 2
While u will be playing Fortza MS 2
I will be playing Fortza MS 2 and GT5
I think u might have got my point by now :)
The fact of the matter is i have all 3 systems. But people love to rip on PS3.
Take my word if everyone owned all 3 consoles we would be gamers not animals
And so Lemmings i leave you with this
While u may be playing XBOX 360
I will be playing XBOX 360, PS3 and WII
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