@KeviNOlighT I respect everyone's point of view while they have their arguements and I am clearly aware that i am no shining crystal of Truth whatsoever. And don't say that Skyrim does not deserve fans. I said it does not deserve high marks it gets and GOTY title. It's just a plain RPG without inventive design works, creative things (and there might be). Bugs, crappy plot ('ANCIENT EVIL AWAKENED AND ONLY CHOSEN ONE...."), bad animations (and this is meant to call a sympathy at times), stupid combat system. There's lotta stuff to explore, but what for. Dead Ends of straight Dungeons are not for me, sorry.
And yes, that's what i tried to say. Dialogues, Item Descriptions, places. They all build a Lore. And It's really that interesting. But hey, most of players today would prefer a cutscene.
it's sad that majority of people whine 'bout resolution and Xbox controllers, thus the game is "unfinished" and etc. You kind of what, need a manual how to push your buttons? Can't figure out - go ask Internet. Resolution options were a failure, yes, though they are fixed now. What is really horrible, that big part of these whiners love Skyrim and all that shit, which suffers from bugs and seems really "half-done". To Hell with skyrim, it's for lil' boys mostly (and surely, nice sir, happening to read this, it's not about you). Ppl are calling THIS game shit just because they have to fix their controls. And it's just like they don't get that GOOD game is a game with Lore, nice mechnics, plot, characters, and so on. This game has all of it. Damn, that moment with meeting Old Grey Wolf Sif after saving them in DLC-content is one of the most depressing and touching scenes I've ever encountered. World is beautiful (cuz of design works, not simple "resolution + FSAA+ Ambient Occlusion+...", and it's so detailed and interactive, that one can hardly find a game with similar attention to such details. Not everyone today remembers rogue-alike RPG "Barbarian", which was kinda predecessor to DS. It was hard, punishing. So is this game. It's for people, who like story told in action, not in scripts, who like hard games, who like to feel badass not by default, but after defeating a really strong opponent, it's deep game.
So, skyrim-lovers, high-end graphics lovers, please, GTFO, this game is not for you.
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