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It was the first snow of the year yesterday!When it started falling I was so excited because snow is my favorite weather... but then it fell more... and more... and more!!!! We got 11-12 inches where I live! And it really resulted in a crazy day.

Ok so we were at the mall just wasting time, when snow started coming down hard. So, we decided to get out of the mall soon because it was snowing, and we live about 20 min away. By the time we started driving there was already about 3 inches of snow and the roads were getting icey. Let me just start by saying a drive that should have taken 20 minutes... took THREE HOURS! I was stuck in a car for three hours where half of the time my sister was freaking out... it was insane. Traffic was at a complete stop. Finally, about an hour and a half into the ride we got to a hill that heads to our house... and we saw cars slideing down the hill hitting other cars! It was crazy. So we ended up having to take the back way where there wasn't as many cars. And we did, and we were fine. But that still left this huge hill we had to take that lead to my house. So after another hour of complete chaos, we get to the long hill. We were about to start driving (Our plan was to get some speed going up the hill so we won't slide down on ice) when a slow plow came! So we were really excited because we thought that the snow plow would clear the path! So we followed closely behind him until he started going slower and slower. After about 30 seconds of going up the hill the plow truck was at a complete stop... and what happened next was insane. The snow plow started slipping on the ice and fell back toward us. We had to turn quickly on to the side of the road just so we wouldn't get smashed by a snow plow truck! I was in complete panic when I saw it come at us. :P Shortly after almost getting our car totaled by a plow truck we were finally home. And guess what we did!? Watch a movie while drinking hot cocoa... that was my idea. :P We shoveled our driveway... which resulted in a numb face. (which is my fault for thinking I'm to cool to wear a hat in 5 degree whether!) :D So that was my insane snow day... which now that I think about it, would have really been nice on someday like Christmas! A white Christmas would be nice. And an even better day to have snow like this is... ANY SCHOOL DAY! :P Come on! We don't get a flake of snow during school days... but when Christmas vacation comes along we get a foot! Anyway, thanks for reading, and have a Happy New Year!:D

Join These Unions!

Whats up! I have a few unions you should really join!

The first one is called... Team Nintendo! I just created it and if you could join that would be great! The name says it all, its all about Nintendo! JOIN NOW! By the way, you can go to the page by clicking HERE ... thanks!

The last one is oneI created a little more then a year ago, its called Zelda Army. It's under a new leader now and I have to say its a pretty cool union... the only problem is that its totally dead. I really wanna try to get things running again... so if you like Zelda, please join! :) Thanks! And you can see the unions page by clicking HERE ... Please Join!

Finals :(

Yay! Schools almost done for the semester! :D Just one thing... FINALS! NOOOOOOO!!!

Whats Up!

Hey guys I'm back! I don't know if any of my friends remember me... I mean I've been gone for almost a year. But if you do please comment! Now that I've come back to Gamespot I'll try to be more active in unions and writing reviews... Good to be back!

Best DS Games Countdown - #6

Hi guy again really sorry I've been gone from Gamespot so long, with Homework and basketball I've hardly had any time to go on here! Luckily, basketball is ending this week so I should be gone a lot less. Anyway, Here is the next entry in the Countdown!

DS Games Countdown #6

I think most of you will agree with me this deserves a spot in the countdown. Number 6 is Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks!It's not my favorite in the toon link series but it's a great game! On the good side I really liked the train, level designs, brand new items, and many more. On the not so good side it's the easyest Zelda game yet. But besides that little thing I'd say Spirit Tracks is very impressive.

The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks Boxshot

Top 10 DS Games - #7

Hi guys, sorry I've been gone so long! I'm rarely ever off gamespot for more then a day or two! So, again sorry about being gone so long... back to the countdown!

DS game countdown - #7

The game that takes up the luckynumber 7 spot is... New Super Mario Bros! With great graphics, fun mini-games and a awesome main game there was no doubt this was going to make the countdown!

New Super Mario Bros. Boxshot

Best DS Game Countdown - #8

Well,nothing really new... except thatI got a nerf protector for my DSi. Those things really work! Ok, now back to the countdown!

DS Countdown - #8
I'm guessing right now that someof you guysare going to be putting some angry comments after reading this,but number 8 is... Scribblenauts! Its really not that bad of a game! Its amazing whatyoucan do in the game! And, yes some of the puzzles are really easy but the game is not all that bad!

Scribblenauts Boxshot

Best DS Game Countdown - #9

I'm most of the time going to say something off the topic of the countdown here. Well, I am finally a level 15!

DS Games - #9

Number 9 in the countdown is... Mario and Luigi Partners in Time! Its an incredable Mario and Luigi RPG, Whats not to like about it!?

Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time Boxshot

Top ten DS games - #10

Well, first off I have changed the countdown from top 15 to top 10. Secondly, I got a new badge! It was the one you got for voting in best of 2009. Also I'm just about to be a level 15! Which is awesome! Ok, back to the countdown!

DS Countdown- #10

Number 10 is Animal Crossing Wild World! It may not be the best ever DS game, but you know its pretty good. With many exciting new events to do every day this game will stay exciting. This game is definetaly a must have.

Animal Crossing: Wild World Boxshot