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I'm doing an All Nighter!

Hi guys, so me and a few of my friends are at my house and we're going to stay up all night! We aren't really tierd yet, here's what we've done for the past 8 hours:

-played Super Smash Bros. Brawl, I pwned!

-Had a giant nerf war, I lost :(

-Played new super mario bros for wii, that game is great with four players!

-Played DS download play

-my friend started acting crazy

-watched Robin Hood Men in tights, Norbit, and Get Smart

-and right now we're playing Super Smash bros. Brawl again

Its already 2:00 in the morning so I'll keep you updated in the comment board on how late it is and if I make it all night!

I had a Concussion!

Yup, I was playing school basketball. We were sprinting and me and my friend collided head on head. A few minutes later I'm being rushed to the hospital! It sucked really baddly. So know I can't play basketball for the next half of the season because I can't get any more trauma to my head. *sigh* But know I'm ok. I just have a headache.

Games I'm looking Forward to in 2010

Here's a list of the games I can't wait for in 2010.

Zelda Wii- Everyone who's my friend on here knows I'm a crazy Zelda fan!I'malways really excited for a Zelda game andif this one is anywhere near how fun Twilight Princess was it should be great!

Super Mario Galexy 2- The first one was amazing, so this one should be great. And it has Yoshi in it! :D

Kirby Wii- It may be just a rumor but if a Kirby for wii comes out that would be awesome! I like Kirby games and I've been waiting for a good one on Wii.

Those are what I really am looking forward to in 2010.

I Got a New Avy!

I got a new avy! How do you guys like it? I have a few more so I think I'll change every once and a while, that old Link one was getting boring but this one is awesome!

I Got Tagged!

This time I got tagged by tntkng, here are 10 facts about me!

1.The Broncos are my favorite NFL team
2.I just beat Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks
3.Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess is my all time favorite game
4.I got New Super Mario Bros. Wii for Christmas
5.I joined the cookie union today
6.green is my favorite color
7.blue is my second favorite color
8.Fred Fredburger is my favorite character from cartoonnet work
9.I am the leader of the Zelda Army Union
10.I am going to tag @RECONPLANE @bladex8 and @blazikentails64

I Beat Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks!

Yup, I beat the game just yesterday.I was really shocked with the ending though, by the way this is a huge spoiler coming up.

What was with the ending of that?! I cannot believe that Anjean and Byrne died!!! Byrne was awesome! Why would you do this Nintendo?!:evil: But other then that I was happy with the ending.

The Final Boss of this game was awesome and it involved Zelda and the train! GENIUS! Ok, I just wanted to tell you guys that!

I don't know what to title this!

I have a few things to talk about so I'm not really sure what to call this blog...

First of all if you haven't seen Avatar go watch it, its an incredible movie and the best I've seen in 2010 even though it's the first I've seen in 2010.:P But really I have two words for it AWE and SOME! It is probably 4th or 5th on my all time favorite movie list. Also,I can't belive that school starts tomarrow! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! You'd think it would start today, right? But we had the day off. It's so wierd! And this Sunday sucked. My favorite team in the NFL, the Denver Broncos started off the season 6-0 so automatic spot in the playoffs right? WRONG! They went 2-7 in the past 9 games and then needed a win yesterday to get to the playoffs. They were playing a horrible team so they're going to win right? Again WRONG! They lost by like 20 points and missed the playoffs. Which really sucked. Well, thats what happened this weekend!
If you want to check out my new review on Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks click HERE

Crud+Reviewing Games

You'll know why this blog is titled crud after this, I was just playing Spirit Tracks for about 2 hours this morning, In those 2 hours I had beaten the whole ocean temple and completed a segment of the tower of spirits. Which took FOREVER! And then I had to clean my room, so like a complete idiot I got up and turned off my DSi. Without saving!!!!!!!!!!!! So now I have to do 2 hours ofwork all over again "sigh".
And just a heads up, I'm going to try to review games more often so everytime I make a new review I will post a blog and at the bottom will be a link to the review so you can read it if you want. Just wanted everyone to know that!
Click HERE to see my review of New Super Mario Bros for Wii!

What I Got for Christmas

Hi everyone, sorry I've been gone so long, I was taking a break for Christmas and everything. This year for Christmas I got everything a asked for and then more! Here's what I got:

-New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Get this game!!!If you like mario bros. in anyway you'l really like this game. The stages are great, the new items are incredable, and all those bosses are awesome!

-Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks, This one I think really improved for its previeous game. The train is great, the ways to use the old items are very clever, and I have one word for Zelda being your sidekick...AMAZING! The only thing I was a little dissapointed about was the game is kinda easy. What I mean is I'm already on the third temple and I've only had it for 3 days!:o But overall it gets two thumbs up from me!

-New Super Mario Bros. DS, Just like the wii game I got but its on the go!

-Pac-Man Jacket, Like I said a couple blogs before, usually clothes suck for Christmas, but let me tell you this jacket is awesome!

-Legend of Zelda Hat, Now I can be a really hard-core Zelda fan. I wear this thing everywhere!

And thats what I got this year!

Best Nintendo Countdown is Over!

I'm really tierd of having to post a game everyday so here are the final 10.

10. Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door
9. Mario Kart Double Dash
8. Super Smash Bros. Melee
7. Pac-Man
6. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
5. Wii Sports Resort
4. The Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past
3. Super Mario 64
2. The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
and the winner of best ever nintendo video game is...

1. Super Smash Bros. Brawl!!!!