This isn't really a blog post, its more just a shoutout. Just wanna thank all thesoldiers fighting for our country and...HAPPY VETERENS DAY! =D
12link Blog
Call of Duty
by 12link on Comments
I got the new Call of Duty game the first day it came out and it is friken awesome! I would have posted this yesterday but i was up night and day playing it. Can't wait till the next Call of Duty game!
My Favorite Seven Games
by 12link on Comments
I recentlly poasted the top five games but i noticed that i didn't include so really awesome games. So i rewrote the list.
1.Zelda and the Twilight Princess (GC)
2.Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)
3.Zelda and the Ocarina of Time (N64)
4.Animal Crossing Wild World (DS)
5.Guitar Hero World Tour (Wii)
6.Super Mario 64 (N64)
7.Sonic Unleashed (Wii)
Gordon Freeman?
by 12link on Comments
How did Gordon Freeman win the All Time Greatest hero Competition? I've played videogames since I was 6 and I've never even heard of this guy! So how did he beat mario and link, the two best video game heros ever! I'm in shock that someone who is in about five games beat everyone.
Zelda and the Twilight Princess
by 12link on Comments
I just played my hunderedth hour on Zelda and the Twilight Princess! Now it is officialy the game I have played the longest.
by 12link on Comments
Are you people insane!? Letting Bub and Bob beat sonic in the All Time Greatest Hero Competion is madness! Now I'm trying to ask myself how theheck Bub and Bob beat Sonic. Sonic looks cooler, has better powers,and has better games so why did they beat him!? Seriously this is crazy.
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