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Final Journal Entry (kqlyn is dead)

I have decided that when my GameSpot Complete account expires (it will expire by late April or early May) I will delete it. I will no longer be a GameSpot member.

I will now go old school for my gaming info needs (in other words: back to magazines). The reason is that is the only website I visit anymore when I come online, and I want to stop going online web browsing for non-business or non-work related stuff. In other words I won't ever browse the WWW for entertainment or entertainment related purposes ever again (but I will still play online games on my PC, Nintendo Revolution, and Playstation 3 Supercomputer Entertainment System).

Anyways I want to thank every user on for making these the most enjoyable and active forums on the World Wide Web. I had a blast!


GameSpot User


It's time for an upgrade... again.

My 1 GB Memory Stick Pro Duo is not good enough (not enough space). I want the new 4 GB one (or the 8GB one if it doesn't require me to update my PSP firmware). My current MS if filled up to the last megabyte with psp homebrew apps and games, which means I can't ****ing store any videos or music on it because I don't have free space!!! Argh!!!

Hopefully these babies won't be too expensive.

Argh...  i can't wait!!! I need more space now!!! I'm now considering buying this monster:


Wiser to get Revolution first and PS3 later.

I've been thinking that instead of getting both systems the day of their respective launches it would be wiser to get the Revolution at the end of 2006, and then get the PS3 in the summer of 2007. Which means not getting either of them at launch.

The first and most important reason is that the PS2 has PLENTY of life left. There are way too many big name games coming out in 2006 for it. It would be stupid to sacrifice not getting games like Final Fantasy XII, Mortal Kombat Armageddon, Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus, Tourist Trophy, Black, Tomb Raider Legend, Kingdom Hearts 2 (I hate this one though), The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GC), and a gajillion other games coming out just to move on to the next gen. It's better to wait until the current generation slows down. But right now the current gen is at its peak.

Sony and Nintendo were right, Microsoft jumped the gun. They kickstarted the next generation way too early (same mistake Sega did with the Dreamcast). Next gen systems should always be released when the current generation of systems run out of steam and not a minute earlier.

I remember when the Dreamcast was released the current gen systems, PSX and N64, still had plenty of big name games coming out (Final Fantasy 8 and 9, Perfect Dark, etc.). The Dreamcast was released at a time when the current generation still had big games to look foward to. The Playstation 2 was then launched after the current gen started going downhill. Then, a year later, the GameCube and Xbox released. But by then the current gen was already dead, which meant that most people were already moving to the PS2. So in conclusion the Dreamcast released too early, the GC and Xbox released too late, and the PS2 released at the perfect time. That's what lead Sony to their 2nd victory.

But now for this generation we have a billionaire corporation called Microsoft. Now... to become one of the biggest corporations in the world you need smart entrepreneurs leading it. So i'm scratching my head as to what the **** were the people at Microsoft thinking by releasing the Xbox 360 so incredibly early. It will sell great in the launch period no doubt about that, but so did the Dreamcast and yet it failed to appeal to the masses (and yes I know about the finacial problems Sega had that MS doesn't). Only the hardcore got the Dreamcast just like the hardcore are the only ones that have purchased the 360 (note: by hardcore I mean non-casual gamers).

Now, returning to my comments on the first paragraph, the reason for getting Revolution first is because of a number of things: First off Nintendo has a good track record with the quality of first year hardware (unlike Sony). They also have the retro games downloads service which provides plenty of value for a newly released system (makes the wait for the release of new Revo games easier). Also, the Revo games are completely different from current gen games, meaning you can play whatever's left to play on the PS2 + the new Revo games without having to sacrifice one of the two generations (because PS2 and Rev are very different experiences and can co-exist; then once the PS2 runs out of steam it's PS3 + Rev). And finally the PS3 is 2-4 times more expensive than the Revo once you get everthing you need for it (console, accessories, hdtv, sound system, etc.), so by getting it later you give more life to the PS2, more time to save money for PS3, and a better linup of games (remember that PS3 games will take a long time to develop; so you're not getting MGS4, RE5, DMC4, GT5, GTA4, Final Fantasy VII, and many other legendary games/series anywhere near launch).

But don't misunderstand me.... the Playstation 3 is the superior system.


OTD > all

Oh my God!!!! I was bored at college today so I went to the library's computer center and visited GameSpot. I went to Off-Topic Discussion and every post there was so stupidly retarded that I had a lot of fun reading it all! Seriously... the people that post there I swear they do drugs!!!! They're so ****ing retarded that it's funny. Every topic and every reply are hilarious.

So there, if you're ever bored then go to OTD and laugh out loud like a maniac. It comes highly recomended. But don't post! Just read.

FFFF!!!!!!!! (caps)

Damn it! My PC is **** up!!!! Now i'm pissed!!! :evil:
The DVD and CD drives are not working!!!!! I mean they work hardware wise but it seems like their registry keys are damaged, so they don't work with windows. FFFF!!!!!!!!! It seems like i'm gonna have to reinstall Windows if I can't find a solution. :cry:  So I guess I now have to buy an USB hardrive to move all my stuff. :(

BTW it's been a week since I used the computer. I've been sick since chrismas. And still am. I just hope I recover before next week 'cause it is an important week


My new brother was born today (pic inside)


Today, December 26, we recieved a new member in our family. My mother gave birth and now I have a baby brother (I also have an 18 years old sister btw).

He was (or will be) named Armando after my grandfather. My father chose to name him that like the same day he knew my mother was pregnant).

We were not allowed to take pictures but my sister managed to take one. So here it is... a picture of my little brother taken when he was only like 1 hour old.

My mother and my brother are at the Hospital and will stay there for a few days. But anyways... I already know what I will give him on his 6th birthday! If you all didn't know the ESRB has a rating called E for Everyone which means that games rated E can be played by 6+ year olds and up. That means that he will be able to play videogames starting on his 6th birthday! So i'll give him a Playstation 4 !!!!!! He will become the biggest Sony fanboy of all time thanks to me. Yeehaw!!! I'll be so proud :cry:

PS: My profile has been closed to regular people since quite a few days ago. Only those on my friends list can see my profile.

More controllers Yay!!!

I went browsing my favorite videogame imports store and I came across 2 godly things: The NeoGeo Pad and the Sega Saturn Pad. I was like... OMFG!!!!! THEY ARE FOR THE PLAYSTATION!!!!!!!!! So I took about an hour to decide which one to buy. It is obvious that the Saturn one is the sleekest and most beautiful of the two. But I decided to buy the NeoGeo one because it is much more of a "classic". Also there is no better feeling than playing King of Fighters and Metal Slug with a controller that has SNK written on it. I'll use the contoller for my PS2 fighting games and for my NeoGeo games (emulated on my PC). I'll use one of those PS2-to-PC controller adapters so that I can play King of Fighters '98 (my favorite SNK fighter) in all it's classic glory.

Here are the Playstation controllers. These replicas are perfect!

And if you prefer Arcade Sticks then wet yourself with the Neo Geo Stick 2! I myself am not a fan of arcade sticks though.

I made a mistake. (Here's the real perfect controller)

In my last journal entry I said that the Street Fighter Controller was the perfect controller. But I was wrong!!! The Perfect Controller is actually the Saitek P880 Dual Analog (PC). I have had this controller for a long time now and I have tested it with everything (PC games, Mame, Console Emus, etc.) and it plays flawlessly. The D-Pad is even better than the ST controller's D-pad!!! And it also has 6 face buttons (all digital unlike that analog Xbox crap) like the ST controller plus 2 analog sticks which the ST controller lacks!!! And ofcourse it has 2 digital shoulder buttons like the ST controller. Oh and this Saitek PC controller is very strong too.

Here's a picture of the truly best controller ever:
