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#1 198d
Member since 2004 • 265 Posts


I was asking for a ww2 game in which you play as a Nazi soldier (or if that word seems inappropriate to you), let me say German. I've browsed random games from previous consoles and can't find what I'm looking for. It would be interesting in a video game to see on how would a game progress if you are on the German side. IMO the atrocities they have done shouldn't be brought up, since if there would be such a game, that wouldn't be given much feature because thegame is ABOUT the WAR and not the MASSACRE.

Yeah, though I'm fascinated with these events I haven't known history as detailed as you have,but for those may I ask, do you know about the guy named Von Staffenburg? So you mean there's no Axis Heroes? I don't have to quote posts but many people here think of Germans during those times as one entity being controlled by a race-destroying madman. Based on some posts you treat the Germans as the Jews.


Just want to toss in Erwin Rommel into the mix as he was completely different from the typical German officer at that time and even today is considered a great tactician and is/even was well respected by the allies back then.

rommel actually tried to kill hitler but failed. then i think he was poisoned, poor lil bugga

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#2 198d
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Red Orchestra 2.

And guys, Only the SS were nazis, not the normal army. Get your facts staight, and stop being ignorant.


they were all members of the nazi party, thus they were nazis. you need to get your facts straight brah.

you vote republican you are a republican, vote democrat you are a democrat, etc

"Nazi" is short for nationalsozialist. the actual party was called the National Socialist German Worker's Party (nationalsozialistische deutsche arbeitpartei). "Nazi" is how we say it in english, because were too lazy to say things in other languages.

its understandable that a lot of the people that voted for the NSGWP were duped into doing so (*cough* the STAGED burning of the reichstag *cough*), but regardless they did it. They allowed themselves to be a part of that government and be apart of everything that proceeded, mainly out of fear.

on another note:

the schutzstaffel (or ss to people that get all their history lessons from a tube) was an upper echelon branch of the nazi party. they were the "protection squadron" of germany. they get the heat because they were the ones responsible for most of the inhumane crimes committed.

the waffen-ss was the military of the ss, consisting of panzer, infanrty, panzergrenadier, and other divisions. they too got "f'ed in the a" during the nuremburg trials for crimes against humanity

So if I join the US army, am I a Republican, Democrat, Nazi, Communist, non-affiliated, or what? Not everyone supported the Nazi party thank you, and not everyone wanted to kill jews.

you are whatever the hell you want to be....consequences will follow if you want to be something the US doesnt approve of (such as a marine who is a "al-qaida" sympathizer). germans killed jews because their government told them to. just like members of the US army invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. you sign up, youre their **** its a little thing called "following orders."

which is another part of nuremburg that ill save for another time

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#3 198d
Member since 2004 • 265 Posts


the waffen-ss was the military of the ss, consisting of panzer, infanrty, panzergrenadier, and other divisions. they too got "f'ed in the a" during the nuremburg trials for crimes against humanity


And rightfully so.

To the guy who mentioned Japanese soldier, that could be interesting. The only problem I find (and while I clearly am no expert on any of this) from my many weeks of lurking around the Thin Red Line/The Pacific boards, the average Japanese soldier's training regimen was much more unconventional than your average Wehrmacht soldier's. They had very specific ideals about how to serve the Emperor. Now, I don't know if this is because of a lack of documentation from the other side, but many Western historians and veterans can list off the many atrocities committed by the regular Japanese soldier, brutalities that were encouraged.

I'm not say the Allied forces are free of committing war crimes, and in fact far from it. Just that it's harder to get behind the Japanese perspective (more that as Westerners, we can identify more with the "noble" German soldier, ie: the honourable non-Jew-killing serviceman). It's a little harder to draw the line in the Pacific theatre.

i wish i knew so much more about the pacific theater, especially compared to the amount of stuff i know about the european theater. but one thing that i have always admired about Japanese Imperial Guard was their sense of honor. those guys were not afraid of death one bit. IMO thats the worse enemy you would ever have to face.

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#4 198d
Member since 2004 • 265 Posts



Red Orchestra 2.

And guys, Only the SS were nazis, not the normal army. Get your facts staight, and stop being ignorant.


they were all members of the nazi party, thus they were nazis. you need to get your facts straight brah.

you vote republican you are a republican, vote democrat you are a democrat, etc

"Nazi" is short for nationalsozialist. the actual party was called the National Socialist German Worker's Party (nationalsozialistische deutsche arbeitpartei). "Nazi" is how we say it in english, because were too lazy to say things in other languages.

its understandable that a lot of the people that voted for the NSGWP were duped into doing so (*cough* the STAGED burning of the reichstag *cough*), but regardless they did it. They allowed themselves to be a part of that government and be apart of everything that proceeded, mainly out of fear.

on another note:

the schutzstaffel (or ss to people that get all their history lessons from a tube) was an upper echelon branch of the nazi party. they were the "protection squadron" of germany. they get the heat because they were the ones responsible for most of the inhumane crimes committed.

the waffen-ss was the military of the ss, consisting of panzer, infanrty, panzergrenadier, and other divisions. they too got "f'ed in the a" during the nuremburg trials for crimes against humanity

I thought the German Armed Forces (Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine) weren't allowed to have political affiliation although I'm sure there were many who supported Hitler and the Nazi Party.

It's just like the US Armed Forces. There's supposed to be no political affiliation within the ranks although I'm sure there's a big slant towards the Republican Party.

yeah, it was implied...my bad. members of waffen-ss werent draftees

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#5 198d
Member since 2004 • 265 Posts

not exactly....gs has awarded goty the last two years to ps3 EXCLUSIVE titles

2008 - MGS4: Guns of the Patriots

2009 - Demons Souls

...the year before that SMG won it. really if you think about it xbox needs to steps their game up

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#6 198d
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When i play on pc, moving my mouse an inch is a whole 360, on xbox 360 and ps3 i always have to have it at highest sensitivity.


nailed it

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#7 198d
Member since 2004 • 265 Posts

Red Orchestra 2.

And guys, Only the SS were nazis, not the normal army. Get your facts staight, and stop being ignorant.


they were all members of the nazi party, thus they were nazis. you need to get your facts straight brah.

you vote republican you are a republican, vote democrat you are a democrat, etc

"Nazi" is short for nationalsozialist. the actual party was called the National Socialist German Worker's Party (nationalsozialistische deutsche arbeitpartei). "Nazi" is how we say it in english, because were too lazy to say things in other languages.

its understandable that a lot of the people that voted for the NSGWP were duped into doing so (*cough* the STAGED burning of the reichstag *cough*), but regardless they did it. They allowed themselves to be a part of that government and be apart of everything that proceeded, mainly out of fear.

on another note:

the schutzstaffel (or ss to people that get all their history lessons from a tube) was an upper echelon branch of the nazi party. they were the "protection squadron" of germany. they get the heat because they were the ones responsible for most of the inhumane crimes committed.

the waffen-ss was the military of the ss, consisting of panzer, infanrty, panzergrenadier, and other divisions. they too got "f'ed in the a" during the nuremburg trials for crimes against humanity

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#8 198d
Member since 2004 • 265 Posts

im gonna have to go with diablo as well....simply because there is no game that i have put so much time into, and there was never a time that i got bored with it. unlike most other games i have put a lot of time into, im actually looking forward to the next release.

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#9 198d
Member since 2004 • 265 Posts

fun filled: jet set/grind radio

most epic: shadow of the collossus

makes me wanna cry: mgs4

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#10 198d
Member since 2004 • 265 Posts

Any person that would actually like to put themselves in Nazi shoes probably needs to see a psychiatrist.


well i hope that psychiatriast's office was ready to handle over 18 million patients....just playing devils advocate