most games this year have been over hyped because of fanboyism:
rdr = gta fanboys hyped this game up rediculously, and its just gtaiv with different skins, now with....zombies!
reach = halo has been basically the same game since 2002....and suckers still "buy" into the hype
ffxiv = ff7 fanboys are still waiting for another game as good as 7 and still havent gotten it, but will continue to put the name on a pedestal
cod: black ops = same as rdr, just replace title with cod: black ops
moh = basically bc2 fanboys that just wanted a game that didnt contain cod in the title, and would take whatever they could get
starcraft 2 = the best game on the list, but so many wannabe mlg'ers out there that they bought this game just cuz hella other people did....and then they hack cuz they realise theyre terrible at it sure i could think up others but thats just off the top of my head
*fanboy shield activated*
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