first off let me say that i dont want kids. not once, not never.
but the world works in funny ways, if somehow im put in the position that i do have a child, i would love to have them be a gamer.
as with anything though, always in moderation. ive seen too many obese kids glued to their ds and no friends, not to mention complete a-holes to their parents. i wouldnt stand for that. i remember when i got into trouble as a child, i would get put on "restriction" and that meant no television and thus no video games. that kept me in line. but at the same time this meant an end to my social life with the neighborhood kids for x amount of time. video games have always been secondary to my social life. i would make sure that my kid was playing local community sports and make plenty of friends that way.
thats one of the downfalls to online gaming today, kids use that as an excuse to their non-existant social life by saying that they are being social. being annoying and excessively cussing behind your parent's back to people they will never meet is not being social. i would ensure single player gaming or local multiplayer until they are at least a freshman in high school.
when they are grown up and wanna be playing an MMO every moment of their life, that is their decision. but ill do whatever i can early in their life to mold them into not turning into that.
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