To be honest i am not really impressed about he mod tools, i mean cod4 and doom 3 had mod tools but there were fea mods no one came close to fallout 3 or half life. Its the community that concerns me. I dont think mp matters in that game. Its mostly stalker like.dakan45
lolwut? you are not impressed that the game can be modded? This is exactly the kind of game that can generate awesome mods.
Alpha protocol graphics were not bad, and i still think the fallout 3 graphics look very good. Story and gameplay + medicore graphics > super graphics.
Of course, there will always be those "I don't like anything, nothing is up to my standards" morose, acrimonious pseudo-profound kind of statements about something they just can't know (because there are not enough elements yet).
Too soon to say anything, but apparently there are those who already condemned the game solely by its name... :|
Telling from what I saw and read (the PC Gamer preview topic), this game can be a mark in the FPS history. And I hope so. 8)
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