@TorMasturba Yes, I have to agree. The MP in ME3 was okay but it didn't really impress me that much. I played it with a few players in various countries and communication was good but the missions were really of no challenge. I went to every one of them and after a while it got so boring it just wasn't as entertaining as I had hoped they would be. Especially since there really wasn't that many to play.The only cool thing about it all was that I could play as any race or sex as an Adept,Engineer,Infiltrator,Sentinel, Vanguard or Soldier with all the powers that go with it. And the choice of weapons was fare, but I wished I could have had better choices. No, I don't think MP is needed for this game.But if they wanna do it, let 'em. We'll all see if it was worth it or not.
@Sekhemket @muppen It really doesn't matter whether they put MP on it or not. I won't deny it that it really shouldn't be put on because,as you said, they could have added the addition(al) resources to improving the game & polishing it, but if that's what they wanna do,let 'em. It might come out good or it might come out about as exciting as Hershey squirts. Either way, I'll wait till it comes out & it gets good or bad reviews and my friends tell me if it's worth it or not.
@jonb4play @JustPlainLucas I understand you. I have seen this season,but not the first two seasons. I'll go back in time & see if they're as good as this one was. And Cam, I don't hate you, just that snide comment ya jerk ;-) !
This is kind of like back in the day when they were screaming playing RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons would turn kids into Devil Worshipers. I was a Dungeon Master for Years and DMd or played with my friends and none of us started sacrificing the neighbors pets or burn Pentagrams. We excepted the fact that IT'S JUST A GAME,NOT REALITY!!! Now there might have been a few out there that did take the game out of context and thought "This is really how it is in life" and started doing crazy things like that. But those are the ones that didn't have a full grasp on reality and shouldn't have been playing it to begin with. But these are Video games! It's not reality and it's not going to make people go out and either be Devil Worshipers,Car Thieves or Snipers thinking they needed to do this because "This is for real and the right thing to do". It's still just a game. Don't hate the game thinking it's mentally bad for us. Accept it for what it is, a game, and we'll play it on the free time we've got when we've got it.
This is why I and many others feel EA should be banned from the community permanently.They've ruined many companies before, royally screwed so many games up and NOW they're sending out the wrong discs.EA is so inept on the job and their greed has made it even worse for all of us.They don't really care about what they're doing or who they hurt in the process as long as they can fill their pockets full of cash they don't deserve. Let's get a blog out to have them removed before they make the gaming community even worse off than they already have.
@Danny_KickAzz @diabolik_023 I thought you knew that Microsoft doesn't have a conscience so diabolic_023 didn't hurt feelings that don't exist..Profit is the only feeling Microsoft has.
@kierwinyoung No, we're not ready for that,and I doubt we will be any time soon.Admit it,we are all in the wrong state of mind right now. "Conquer this,take over that so WE can control and TAKE OVER THE WORLD!". We're still pretty much self centered with the "I,me,mine" mentality and so few of us even know what "self sacrifice" means,even though we claim we do.And if the Mayans were right about the absolute change in the world on 12,21,12 we're really in big trouble.We'll be so busy trying to survive and will kill anybody that gets in our way BECAUSE we're so self centered that mankind will pretty much destroy itself and they don't want to help others,they just want to help themselves.And they won't care who they hurt or how they go about doing it.No, we're not ready for something like that right now and I doubt we will be in my lifetime, or anybodies next 10 generations or so.
@Colekern I can see you don't understand the comment I made. With Solar powers THERE ISN'T ANY RADIATION! DUH!!!Unless you wanna count what the Sun gives us naturally.
1stormbringer77's comments