I was watching that show when I was 5 & cried when they ended the series.Adam West will always be my Batman.Does anybody know what's happened to Bruce Ward?
@ClaudiusCaesar I've only got my XBOX360,PS2&PS3 set up to play,the rest are in the storage shed. I finished playing ME3 with my XBOX360 so tonight I'm going to start Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I'm quite sure nothing's going to break down tonight.
@TheZeroPercent That's not possible since I don't have a WiiU. I also don't believe in curses because as a Deist it's only fools who believe in such rubbish.
This might seem strange but I'm probably the luckiest guy in the world.I've never had ANY of my consoles break down.PS1,PS2 & PS3 haven't broke down,XBOX & XBOX360 never got a red ring.Nintendo,Super Nintendo,GameCube,Atari2600,nothing has ever broke down on me. Even my old 1979 PONG didn't break down on meNow that's what you'd call lucky!
@Vegeta-sama @ImBack558855 It's cool that I can record my VHS to DVD,I did that once & the DVD didn't look good,so I don't bother with it. Besides,who uses VHS anymore? I just got the combo for when someone wants to watch a movie I don't have on DVD but do on VHS,or they want to watch what they brought.And I'm not complaining,I'll always collect video stuff,regardless of who put it out.I've been called a video hoarder.
@ImBack558855 Are you kidding? I've got every console invented so far,from "PONG" to XBOX360 & PLAYSTATION 3. The only thing I don't have is the Gamecube because I was stupid enough to let somebody borrow it & it got ruined by his kids using it as a baseball.I've got a VHS/DVD combo underneath my Blu-Ray,so I guess I'm just gonna have to wait for the Next-Gen Consoles to come out.
1stormbringer77 Posted Mar 14, 2012 3:30 pm GMT It's too late for me now.I had paid for ME3 WAY in advance for both Collectors Editions(game & manual) and then it turns out I made a mistake doing so. The story lines were alright until the end. Myself & several thousands of people are royally pissed about the way it ended & hope to get a better one somehow. And Liara's the Shadow Broker? Go figure. Oh well,the game isn't as good as it could have been since it's still got a lot of the older NPC's in it.And Who the hell is James Vega? That's just ridiculous! The DLC exploitation has gone way too far, what EA has done is unforgivable in any way,shape or form.
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