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Cash Shortage

I just made my review of Resident Evil 4 here's the link

Anyways this week hasd been pretty hectic. It started out great what with beating RE4 and all but then stuff started happening. I had to go get my oil changed and since my dad wants to show me how to change my oil I needed to use the money I get from my job with the church (I only work about an hour a week and I get $25 so that's okay) to buy 5 quarts of oil and I had to buy an oil filter (minus 18 dollars) plus I had to rent a tuxedo on Thursday and my dad paid for THAT at least (Thank God because I won't pay $75 for anything). Then Friday came and I picked up my tux (Friday night was homecoming) and I needed to refuel on gas (minus 10 dollars) and then I "had" (my teachers "suggested" that I go) to buy a ticket for the homecoming banquet which was like a post-homecoming lunch thing or something (minus 20 dollars) and the banquet was today but I'll get back to that later. Homecoming was okay except they mispronouncd my last name when they called me and "my girl" out :evil: I was the representative for my grade so that's why I had to get all dressed up. Then today was the banquet and I had to drive there and had to park in a special garage (minus 5 dollars). The banquet was pretty boring and I had to sit at a table with people whom I mostly disliked (slutty blondes). Let's get something straight first, I'm straight, I love women, but I can't stand sluts. I like to be around wholesome people, but that's just me. The food was ehh and I would just have preferred not to go. There goes 4 hours and 25 dollars down the toilet. The only two funny things that happened were that (1) a bird flew right into the window of the restaurant we were eating at and (2) I accidentally started going down a one-way street the wrng way. I then had to wait in a spot of parallel parking for a while until the traffic died down then I did a 3 point turn and had to find another way to go back home but I did. I know it was dangerous but I found the whole situation to be quite humorous. Crazy? Yes. Idiotic? Yes.

I just beat Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

For only $20 it wasn't so bad, although it was pretty short and has the only replay value is the original PoP on it. I beat it in about 7 and a half hours and I still haven't played the orginal PoP because I haven't unlocked it yet but I do know of it. I got this game for Christmas and due to a busy schedule I couldn't find the time to beat it, until this weekend. This weekend I'm off so I can do whatever I want and I'm trying to get RE4 tomorrow (hopefully). Excepting replay value, the game shines in every area. I gave the game a 8.8 based on my method of scoring games. My advice is the game is worth a rent, but worth a buy? Still yes. I'm glad I got this game for christmas, it's a very good game.

RE4 problems!

Not much happened today. Well actually RE4 released today and I want that game so bad!!! I WOULD be able to buy it this week but because I'm the homecoming king for my grade I have to rent a tuxedo which puts me 80-100 dollars in the hole :( so now I'm going to have to spend ALL the money I have PLUS some of the money I'm getting this week and next week just so I can rent this stupid tuxedo and I'll probably have to wait all the way until February to get it :evil: Man! At least Science Fair is over WOOT! I got my report card back and does this make any sense? I got 4 A's and 2 B's and my mom says I need to start doing better in school:?? Am I the onyl one who sees something wrong with that!?!?!? Considering I had the same thing last time except one B was a C!?!? Am I just crazy? well it's almost time to go to sleep goodnite!

Suprisingly relaxed

There's Science Fair tomorrow and I still got a good 2 hours of work left to do. I have 2 tests on Tuesday. I have quit e a bit of homework due tomorrow as well. And through all this, I'm not worried :D I'm enjoying myself! I had church this morning and after church worked on A LOT of science fair stuff until 5:20-ish and then I left for Sunday Night service and to go to Office Max to print out all my stuff. Well the thing was that the disk wasnt formatted so I had to go back home to TRY to format it and I failed and I tried 2 other disks and they all failed too. SO then I had to go to a friends house and had to get one of his disks that were formatted alredy and then I had to go back home to put in all the stuff I needed to print and then when I reached Office Max I was dissappointed to find the word "Closed" on the door. Not only that but I was late to church and, to my surprise, tonight was a special banquet with free food and since I was late all the good food had been taken. Through all this though, I only laughed at my predicament. Good thing though that my youth pastor offered to print all the stuff on my sdisk, which was a good thing that I had brought it. I got it printed and then I came back home and here I am now. I'm talking to RF on the internet about usual stuff. I'm waiting for a pizza now becaus eI plan to enjoy myself tonight, even though tomorrow I'll have to deal with teachers and judges and projects and whatever. I beat the 15-minute Melee last night! I now have every stage in SSBM and every character and I'm working on getting all the trophies! This Wednesday I might be buying a new game and depending on the GS score, it'll either be RE4 or MP2. Pizza's here! Goodnight guys!


Yeh I got my 1000th post today! I got to type up a lot of stuff for Science Fair today, it's such a hassle. I talked to "the girl" (I'll refer to here as RF) yesterday on AIM. We talked for a bit, she's changing her hair color and I hate it when girl's ask me for their opinion on things. In the end she's probably changing it to blonde, but either way I think she'll still look good. And we talked for an hour or so and I had to go so yeh you know. Her changing her hair color makes me a bit uneasy because in y school it's always the slutty girls that are always changing their hair color. But this is her first time so I GUESS I have nothing to worry about. If she does become one then I don't care, it's goodbye! I was also voted to become the sophomores represenative for the king and queen of the prom thing or w/e. Every High School grade has their own like "mini" king and queen and the Senior couple are the ACTUAL king & queen, which all the high schoolers are going to vote for. I couldn't back out of it and now I'm stuck with this girl who is a bit of a slut as my queen or w/e, so stupid. Curse my good looks!!:P She's actually pretty cute but like I said, she's kinda slutty and for me personality comes first, physical appearance second. With all this science fair stuff I'm so broke, I'll never be able to buy MP2 or RE4 :( Oh well. At least trying to get all the trophies in SSBM is keeping me busy, and I still haven't beaten PoP:SoT or Katamari Damacy yet! So there's really no rush for me except my tremendous desire to play both of them! Grr I was so mad last night! I was trying to beat the 15-minute man melee in SSBM for the first time so I can get the only battlefield I don't have yet and around 4 minutes left one of the stupid Frames got on a kirby star and exploded me!!!(I didn't know because I was watching TV while the game was on)(I was using Donkey Kong's Down-B method) I don't think I could stand to watch me do the 15-minute man melee but it seems I have no choice :cry: oh well, it's worth it. Got to go eat, cya guys!

First Time

This is my first journal entry. I decided to start this journal just because I like to tell people about myself. It's Friday and Science Fair is on Monday and I'm semi-done. But that's boring stuff, recently the main thing on my mind has been this girl. The relationship between me and this girl is weird. Around October of 2004 me and this girl have been friends for like a year by then. Anyways, I've always liked her for more than a friend ever since we got to become even closer friends, liek she's my was my best female friend. Anyways, in October I eventually got the gall to tell her I liked her and she told me she liked me too. I was going to ask her out but then I had to get off the phone and I didn't want to jerk an answer out of her so I asked her out a couple days later. I asked her out on this trip that my church was having to this place and after I did, me and her were like sitting next to each other and looking at each other and blah blah you know? When I asked her out though, she said yes but she told me to make sure to ask her dad if I could ask her out because I've known her dad for a while and he's pretty old-fashioned. I asked her dad over the phone and he said that we'd talk in person and the day I was going to go to her house to talk to her dad she emailed me(we email a lot) that because of school and stuff and w/e she doesn't need a bf right now due to "stess" :roll: and said that we should get together sometime in the future. I said okay and w/e and I was pretty disheartened and went to Dairy Queen and had a vanilla cone and recollected myself and moved on. We were still friends and we still talked and she use to call me a lot, I barely ever called her. Then in December she asked me if I still wanted to get with her because she wanted to get with me. I told her that because of science fair and stuff that right now things are too hectic for me to have a gf (what's good for the goose is good for the gander right? :P). So I told her that maybe we could set something up in Winter vacation or something. The time inbetween THAT and winter vacation was weird. Me and her kinda stopped talking via face-to-face(mainly because all except one of her friends are jerks and I can't talk to her without one of her friend's saying unnecessary input). So winter vacation comes and I ask her and she asked me if I still wanted to do it and for several reasons I said "Let's wait." So now Winter vacation is over and she's acting even stupider and I can't even talk to her because of her stupid friends and honestly she's all I can think about at times. There's times where I'm on top of the world, but I would feel even better if she was there with me. But due to all the stress that she's caused me I'm at a point where no matter what happens, I won't really care. Although I would prefer if we got together someday but if it doesn't happen then I'll get over it. Anyways, game-related stuff. I recently just beat event 51 on SSBM and that was so hard! I also just recently beat Classic mode with everyone in SSBM. I'm currently REALLY anticipating RE4. RE4 is the only game that I've ever driven to GameStop JUST so I can play the demo :P of course I've only had my license for a little over 2 months so I guess that's not saying much. A 9.8 at IGN is pretty good! I might end up buying it instead of MP2 which I was supposed to buy next week or something. But I'll wait until GS to see if I should get RE4 instead of MP2 for now. If RE4 gets above a 9.1 I'll get it instead. 4 more days until release! I'm going to the gym, I'll put a pic at the top of my journal once I get up to level 10. Bye!