29111's forum posts
1. Assuming everyone is going to buy premium is dumb.[QUOTE="29111"]"Premium" is dumb because... 1) I've never been in a que ever. Why would I pay to not wait but in style! And if everyone buys Premium, than what happens to the ques perk? 2) special videos/tips.....or Youtube. 3) Dog tags - Some people care (I like the dolphin with the m16), but most don't even know they could be changed (by evidence that most of my collected dog tags are blank). 4) Camo packs for guys and guns - I don't recall ever changing my camo to better suit the enviroment. I came from Bad Company 2, where your a medic in a snow suit with a BRIGHT RED BENNIE ON! Way to blend in, Predator! And lastly, 5) cheaper DLC........this is what I have the biggest problem with. I reserved early and got the Limited Edition with free Back to Karkand maps (sweet)...............thats it.............1 map pack is free to me?............Bad company 2 I got like 4-5 map packs for reserving early on a game I hadn't ever played save for a demo. Because I invested in a unproven game (to me, at least), I was rewarded with cool stuff to last me about 3 years of playing. When they did release something that cost me money, it was something completely different. Onslaught mode? Co-op online drone fight thingy....wasn't my bag, didn't try it. but it didn't hurt MY online experience. Vietnam? Yea, a completely new online map pack.....Which I did buy (and it was awesome). but if I wanted to play with a friend who didn't have it, I loaded up the old battle field maps and it never interfered with the map rotation. Now, check your filter settings on the server search. Check out Conquest mode....can you select the new maps? yes. So, as of right now, it looks like (looks...time will tell) the new maps are going to be interspliced with the old ones on playlists. Big Deal? Find a DICE/EA server that sticks to 1 game mode (like all/only conquest). You'll maybe find 1 server. how many EA/DICE servers stick in a random Rush, SDM, or TDM? 5-6 of them. Chances of Close Quarters being added to that rotation? 99% (I save the 1% because I'm an optimist). So, now those of us who hate rented servers because of their dumb rules (no shotty, no grenade, no tank, no running, no kill streak), or their settings (1000% tickets!?!...I like Conquest, but I also like sleep and going to work 5 days a week), have to rely on a few DICE/EA servers that we are going to get booted from often when the Close Quarters levels come up because we didn't buy their DLC. How do you solve that little hiccup? You pay to rent the server to play the game you already bought, the way you should have been able to play it the whole time. Welcome to World of Warcraft, monthly fees to enjoy what you own. Good thing BF3 has a long re-playable story mo........CondorCalabasas
2. Yea, its pretty stupid. Doesn't matter whether its youtube, or on the battlelog, you won't find any professional gamers providing tutorial videos anyways.
3. Most are blank? You are wrong, I can't name one person I've seen since this game came out that had both dog tags blank.
4. Most people do change their camo based on their environment. Infact, its very intelligent to do so.
5. Its stupid, because you get things cheaper? So you'd rather pay more then, correct? Bad Company 2 did not have 4-5 map packs for whoever reserved a copy. They were the same maps from the original game, just for different game modes. That is not new.
You are wrong again, two friends of mine have yet to download either DLC, and we find plenty of servers every night that have all the original maps. We only play conquest, and the same applies, there are plenty of conquest only servers. I have yet to rent a server. You may it out like its far harder than it is. You are simply wrong. Its easy to find servers with what you are looking for.
1 - Time will tell 2 - we agree....i think 3 - I have 137 dog tags from gamers, 67 are blank. How am I instantly wrong? Is the possibility they you and I haven't killed the same people too much for this universe? Is the moon going to fall out of orbit because I have found and killed more blank taggers than you? 4 - I agree, it is smart to do so. Lord knows I would be a much better player if I wasn't wearing the jungle outfit in "Metro", but its not something that enters my mind. As I'm sure its not something that enters others minds. You think the Sniper in the jet-black jumpsuit parked in the middle of a white sand dune, standing out like a sore thumb is thinking "maybe the russian beige ensemble would conceal me better?"? Probably not. There are some that do switch, and they are probably better gamers than me. But I see just as many Golden eagle 1 billions running around wearing the new bright green camo on Noshar than there are guys thinking "earth tones and grays are better suited here". 5 - DLC - I concede that, looking back, a lot of those first 2 packs were mode changes. But when they added rush to Laguna whatever the heck, that changed the map cause It explored spaces that were not there in conquest. Maybe I have knocked BF3 because it gave me all the modes on all the maps out of the box. But Bad Company 2 gave me reasons to come back and play more month after month, and I never had to drop a dime. As for the rooms of conquest only that play ALL the maps...those are rented. I've seen them with there "[DICE] official server - conquest" title, but look at the owner on the next page, its not DICE's (I've made that mistake in the past). I browse every page looking for official servers when I first log in. the best you get is a 5 map rotation. Or you get the "[DICE] most popular" server which adds in the rush modes and a TDM. SO, yea....it IS hard getting into a good server that plays all the conquest maps. Some players who rent a server, like DirtBag (i think thats his tag), actually play all the maps without imposing dumb limits on weapons/play styles/ ammo. If it wasn't for him, I could not play BF3 the way I enjoy it. No thanks to DICE for taking away all my choices, but DirtBag.
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