2SmokinBarells' forum posts
No it doesn't, i downloaded the NBA 2k9 roster update and my offline profile cannot access the data downloaded with the other profile.CexrOh, I think I know what you are talking about now. EA made you download roster update 'in game' and not from the market place, therefore it's only avaliable on the tag you downloaded it on.
Is it me or have there been no additions to the greatest hits editions since the first patch of games? I have been waiting to buy heavenly sword as a greatest hits game and it seems they aren't adding games to the list. I rented the game, absolutely loved it, but couldn't finish it due to time restraints. I want to buy it and not rent it again, but don't want to spend $60 for it. Whats the deal?SamuRai_JeDiIt already has been released as a greatest hit, along with Uncharted and R&C that someone else was asking here. http://www.gamestation.co.uk/PS3/Action/Default.aspx?page=5
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