That's probably his girl's man bear pig toe. As for the slim it looks like it will be easy too just swap out the guts in case it craps out.
2beers_in_hand's forum posts
Wow is right. She only had to press two buttons to look like a bad ass, finally a mode that an amputee can enjoy. I hope they disabled trophies/achievements when playing that easy? Otherwise hoarders will whip through the gameas fast as they can. Any word on whatthe hardest lvl is called it better be a real challenge?
Besides them jacking up the price on MW2 there are other reasons why I'm not to thrilled about it. One being a weaker co-op experience, why is it Treyarch can make a four player co-op campaign that follows the story? But IW can't saying "we believe the sweet spot is two playersand, oh and you wont get to play the single player campaign here's some bonus lvls," thats pretty weak if you ask me. Then there's the whole zombie mode are they going to include one of the most popular modes from CoD5? Or is IW going to look past this because god forbid them from coping Treyarch those inferior devs!!!
Lets look at campaigns for a sec. Didn't most of us ask for a longer single player story this time around from IW? And what was their response wasn't it something along the line of"we feel that six hours is just right to tell a single player story," Damn Treyarch out did them again. Then theirs the whole 3 map packs compared to 1, IW must have been really busy not to support their own game. But don't worry guys IW has promised to milk their fan base from day 1 with map packs that should have been on the disc. Why do I get that Vegas 2 feeling every time I see something about MW2, hmm maybe it's just me?
So TC maybe some of us have legitimate reasons why we don't want to support MW2.
I hope it fails for a different reason. I want to see Activision eat a nice slice of humble pie, over the years there success has gone to their heads. They no longer care about their fanbase they just want money. Who cares what the fans want will just continue to jack up the price and milk are franchises to death, because we know they will buy it. Its funny how EA was once this way, why they still milk some of their franchises atleast they are trying to make new IP's. Besides DJ Hero a spin-off from Guitar Hero what other new IP's does Activision have? Maybe if Activision's fanbase gets outraged enough and gives them hell they will come back down to earth.
I have seen the major publishers all go through these periods of time. It is a business after climb to the top...reap cash...lose your edge...fall back down...rinse and repeat. I agree its Activisions turn hopefully it happens sooner than later so they can get back to making good games.I hope it fails for a different reason. I want to see Activision eat a nice slice of humble pie, over the years there success has gone to their heads. They no longer care about their fanbase they just want money. Who cares what the fans want will just continue to jack up the price and milk are franchises to death, because we know they will buy it. Its funny how EA was once this way, why they still milk some of their franchises atleast they are trying to make new IP's. Besides DJ Hero a spin-off from Guitar Hero what other new IP's does Activision have? Maybe if Activision's fanbase gets outraged enough and gives them hell they will come back down to earth.
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