i disagree. I like to have something physical rather than just having on a hard drive.
Why? Simply put I pefer to actually own my copynot borrow it. What happens if your computer crashes and you dont have a chance to salvage your media library? What if the movie or game you DD has a certainnumbers of time you can transfer it and you reached that max? What are you going to buy it again? Hell one of the great things about a physical copy is you can trade and swap games and movies with friends.
I'm sorry DD is a waste of time its another way to maximize profits. All its designed to do is make people even more lazy and slowy strip away your powers and choices as a consumer. On day in the not to distant future you'll only be able torent a movieorgame for a certain amount of time. Just so the stockholders and C.E.O's can line their pockets with even more of your hard earned cash.
Hmm I will take this review with a grain of salt GI's reviews are so sporadic sometimes. As for Batman:AA I'm still on the fence I most likely give it a rent.
Yeah the flierhas been deemedto be fake. But everyone knows that the PS3 slim is the worst keptsecret in the gaming industry. Come to think of it all Sony's secret projects are the worst kept secrets in the business.
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