Oh yeah its my GOTY.
2beers_in_hand's forum posts
It will be the same game on both console's. Having DLC day one or even a couple of months after does not equal ownage it equals milkage of the highest order.
I'm still trying to figure out why they believe it will score an 8.0 or and 8.5? Nobody has giving me a reason why they think it will score that low? U2 has so much more going for it then Uncharted. Every major gripe that reviewers had with Uncharted has been rectified. And to those who complain about unbalanced enemys please learn how to shoot someone in the head or center mass. You shouldn't get one hit kills for shooting your enemy in the arm or foot.
Well it will be on PC (and rumored PS3 as well) so why does the 360 win?wooooodeBecause they need to hype something this has been a lack luster year for MS on the exclusive must have front.
Updated graphics + longer SP story + Co-op + multiplayer + MP cinema capture + live patching to change and tweek the MP= AAA title To all those who think it will score in the AA range. Whats your reasoning for this?
rush, and presure, and being forced to add multi player to get better salesUm no ND has been working on it for two years how is that rushed?You guys can't possibly understand the greatness of 4 player goldeneye. I hate you muther****** who were too young to play it becuz you will never get the feeling of goldeneye.
damnit, i wanna help you new generation, and i'm trying, but you just won't listen. you keep playing cod4
Goldeneye is a classic and one fore fathers of the modern day FPS and its MP.[QUOTE="Androvinus"]there is no way it can get less than 9.0 on gs. i think gamespot regrets only giving uncharted an 8.0menserman8.0 is a great score for a good rental game. the devs knew they needed something for uncharted 2 to give it at least a little bit of replay factor. its gonna be a crappy forced job. thats why i vote 8-8.5 It looks like you didn't play the beta the co-op and mp are not rushed by any means.
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