No some of us a secure with are selfs and could give a crap to what someone else thinks.You guys will play this game in front of your buddies and your gfs if you have them? really? A game about a cute dragon creature helping a boy get through the ruins to some touching music? Seriously? That's what we like to play now? That's what gives us an adrenaline rush and immerses us into a new environment and entertains us? A littly boy with his dragon friend? Seriously? Are we all a bunch of emos that are in touch with our sensitive side now? Let's get serious that trailer was absolute garbage, good idea for a disney movie though. Where's the hype for this game coming from? Team ICO is probably cracking up right now cause they had a bet going that they can take the girliest idea ever and their fans will eat it up.
2beers_in_hand's forum posts
I won't go as far as saying it will def. be better than Gears 2. But it is more dynamic considering the traversal and platforming. U2's MP is better than what I expected. The hit-detection is accurate, responsive and intuitive controls, and its just damn fun :). Co-op is just as fun or even more so than DM and Plunder (which is like CTF, except you can throw the treasure). The co-op being 3 players struck the right balance. I can definitely say I see myself playing it more than Gears 2, but not sure about Gears 1!Episode_EveYou hit the nail on the head. U2 is a blast and who knows what other maps and modes will be included when U2 launches. I will go as far as saying U2 will be the TPS to beat on the PS3. U2 is everything MGO should have been, it's fun and engaging and strikes the right balance. To the poster that said the weapons should be more powerful maybe just a little bit anymore and it would throw it out of wack.
It looks like someone's been lying!!!
Uncharted online looks like MGS online, good on paper, but playing the game is another story.TheOwnerOnerYour failure will be written in the annals of time. Most of the people in the beta including me are have a blast playing it.
Why did you have to bring up Barry up.:cry: Season after season of heartbreak. My fav games were: GOW3, Alan Wake, AC2, U2, The Last Guardian, and Splinter Cell.[QUOTE="2beers_in_hand"]
[QUOTE="TREAL_Since"] Man I love Adrian. This is so off topic, but I hope he is the new Barry Sanders (but actually gets a ring :P).
Oh and E3 was spectacular. Ha mods :P!TREAL_Since
P.S. Barry and Marino :cry:.
Yeah all those game looked fantastic, I'm still worried about the execution option on SC though.How could Elway get one and not them.
The beta's awesome on all fronts Sony and ND have a real winner on their hands. There are a few tweaks that need to be made, but like it was mentioned earlier in the thread ND has plenty of time to Iron out the kinks. U2 needs a hard core limited respawn mode can you imagine how intense it would be :D.
Where's the damn game the BBC rambled on about being the most amazing thing he had ever laid his eye's on?
my thought exactly... i'm starting to worry the game this guy from BBC saw might be 8 Days or another title which Sony canned (or temporarily suspended work on) or else WarDevil which for now its vapourware for me, since nothing (gameplay shots/vids, info etc)has been shown..
He said it was TRICO on his twitter. And don't ever mention vaporware Wardevil again :PBut but they might release it one day right.
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